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By the fuck of Gray Skull! It really was THAT easy. Can't wait to use it!

EDIT: Ummm this should be able to work with FL right? I set the file settings to find it but it's not popping up in my VST selection :(

Yeah should work just find. Prob do a search for the file and make sure it's in the same folder as the rest of your shizz just in case. :)


Oh nevermind! I got it! For some stupid reason if i stick it in my Program Files/VSTplugins folder it won't detect it. But then I put it directly into FLstudio/Plugins/VST folder and it found it. Odd. You'd figure if you tell the DAW where to look, it would simply find it. But not on my fucken machine! HA!

EDIT: DAMN! Hella presets on this baby! I'm Lovin' it! (-McDonalds)


Reverb sounds lovely, unfortunately I use Snow Leopard so I was subject to a horrible grating noise. I then sampled that noise and made a sketch out of it: http://tindeck.com/listen/eupd

That first high pitched is squeal is the noise that was originally emitted (except it was originally being put out at max volume), the crunchy 8-bit thing afterward is the same thing but modified

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