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Worldplay Research Institute Survey


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For those of you who may or may not remember, around last year I posted to this forum requesting opinions on video game music. Thank you so much for your input! In fact, my research paper will be available here, as I hope to gain constructive criticism before sending it in for peer review at specific game journals and magazines. Currently I'm doing two research projects. One is another research paper on the functions of music in video games. The other is below, with a request.

To those who don't know me, I am a undergrad student at Trinity University doing research--this time exploring and analyzing cross-cultural interactions and transnational play in virtual worlds. Our organization is called the Worldplay Research Initiative (WRI) which includes 18 students and professor Dr. Aaron Delwiche, whose contact information is appended at the end. Our goal is to collect opinions from various gamers around the world. To do this, we have implemented a survey--available at our home web page. The Worldplay Survey itself is an example of how globally distributed individuals can cooperate with one another. Within one day of launching, volunteers offered to translate our survey into Chinese, German, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean.

We firmly believe that every voice -- including statistical outliers -- deserves to be heard. Our goal is to identify a wide range of opinions, experiences and recommendations related to the phenomenon of transnational play. In synthesizing and publicly sharing our findings, we hope to provide suggestive data points that can be used by developers, gamers, and researchers who are interested in promoting cross-cultural interaction in virtual worlds.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We are committed to being responsible, ethical and respectful scholars. All postings will be anonymous and will be used solely for academic purposes.

To learn more about our goals, you can check out WRI's official site, or to take our survey directly, click here. The survey should not take more than 10 minutes of your time.

This course is being taught by Professor Aaron Delwiche in the Department of Communication. If you have any concerns about this class, please feel free to contact him via e-mail at adelwich@trinity.edu, or if you have any questions for the class, you may e-mail us at worldplayresearch@gmail.com and someone will respond promptly.

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This is very interesting. Thank you for your research. It reminds me of something Jason Scott said at Notacon last year [during his Mario 64 panel], that it's amazing, considering how big of an industry videogames are now, that very little in the way of academic study has gone into the field.

You can watch the panel here, it's fascinating:


...oh shit you can see me at 1:50 in the red shirt. hahaha

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