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I'm new here, and this is my first remix, using the Petalburg City music from Pokemon RSE. I'm not wholly satisfied with it, but i'd appreciate it if you guys could give some comments, the harsher the better. =)

I feel like writing a bit about the remix here, but feel free to skip it (just listen and comment if possible. It's a short mix; only about 2 and a half minutes)

This remix attempts to convert the tango-esque source material into a classical-like style, scored for piano, violin, cello, and vibraphone. The piece starts off with some original work in the style of the source, before the source itself is introduced. The piece rapidly ascends into a climax, which is based pretty strongly on two of Tchaikovsky's works, his First Piano Concerto (albeit in 4/4 time), and the theme of the 1812 Overture, hence the title.The source material is recapsulated before a prolonged cooling down period, as it ends quoting a phrase reminiscent of another tune from Pokemon (which I can't seem to place at the moment, any help identifying it would be appreciated).

Thanks in advance. =)




Mediafire (V2) (latest)


You should really send this to The Damned and see if he'll let you finish it up for the Pokemon remix project. It's good :-)

However, the whole song feels very rigid, especially the piano, which could definitely use some humanization. Other than that, I think you're pretty good - the samples are great, the arrangement is great... just work on making it feel more like a human played it and you'll probably be set!



Haha thanks, I'll try sending it to him and see if he thinks it's decent enough.

Yeah I'll probably record the piano part myself in that case, or try playing around with the velocities. It was kinda a 2 day project so I hadn't gotten around to learning it yet.


Hey really sorry about that. I used the site recommended in the first post of the WIP hosting thread, but apparently they decided to delete my file :( I've uploaded it to a couple of other sites, hopefully those work.




I have to say that the composition is fine, but those instruments need some serious working. It sounds very flat and synthy (it is too a word, shut up).

If you're interested in piano composition, I'd ask pu_freak about how he goes about it. He's done some wonderful stuff for us, and he's pretty good with not only getting natural sounding tunes, but the way he manipulates the melody is pretty cool as well.

As for joining the project, sorry, but no. Too many times I let people in and then had to extend the deadline again. That does not, however, mean you can't still submit this when it's finished to the judges here. Go for it!


the mixing is flat. all the instruments sound mechanical - the piano is the biggest offender. really not digging that bell sound either.

arrangement is aight. the piano muddies it up in some sections imo (especially around 1:40, where there's a lot going on). i feel like there are some notes clashing in there but that could just be me

still a long-shot from the frontpage, but for your first mix it ain't bad at all. whatever you do, keep making music and you'll only get better :nicework:


@The Damned/halc

Thanks for the comments. Hehe to be honest I'm still relatively new to DAWs, so this mix was basically just sequenced and exported with free soundfonts, not really much mixing or mastering involved.

With regard to the piano, I tried compensating for a perceived emptiness in the sound by flooding it with 3 chord-heavy piano parts for the supposed climax, but I guess it doesn't work that way. =)

Guess I've got to go read up on mixing first then =)


Hey, made a couple of changes with regard to mixing/mastering, but inexperienced as I am, I have no idea if I made it better, worse, or hardly any different, so if you guys could give some comments with regard to the mixing, it would be greatly appreciated! =)

Mediafire (V2)

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