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Hey OCRemix judges!

My name is Matt, remixer name SuperiorX (user id: 28286 on the OCR forums), and this is going to be my second attempt at a submission. I submitted a track quite a long time ago that was criticized as lacking in arrangement (which in retrospect was quite a poor submission on my part) so this time around I wanted to try something really different!

So what I came up with was a remix of Dive Man's Stage from Mega Man 4 (source tune, if needed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQVlXJ0cMY4) that I call "Lay Down and Dive". I've always been a fan of swing/big band music and I thought Dive Man could use a little jazz :) This started out as more of a smooth jazz peice but progressed into more of a big band style the more I worked on it. I can just imagine Dive Man chillin' in his own jazz club and sipping on a martini. Oh yeah.

I let this song hang around on the WIP forums for quite some time (it was the first time I've put a song up on the forums) and I have to say that I received a ton of incredibly helpful feedback! This song wouldn't be the same one it is today without the numerous critiques and suggestions I received. A lot of people on the forum seemed to really enjoy this song, so I hope you guys will too!

I included my song as both an attatchment, or you can download it directly here:




http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14305 - 06 "Dive Man"

This started off very promising, with some great sounding drums but once the brass came in, I just wasn't feeling it. The trumpets were ok, but pretty much every other instrument just doesn't have the right articulation. That's pretty much all there is to say. Liked the arrangement, need to make it sound more realistic.

NO (resubmit)


Overall this arrangement is ace, and the drums are fantastic. EIther super sequenced, or very well recorded. Either way i salute you.

The brass and sax are a bit weaker. Some of the phrases sound really nice, and others are really cheesy sounding. I think you should get live sax in on this, as the exposed sax parts are pretty mechanical, and also because there are a ton of awesome sax players on OCR who would pee themselves to play an arrangement this cool. Finding a trumpet player might be a bit tougher, but i think even with some more nuanced and human sounding sax in the unison lines, this would be passable.

no, please resub


I loved when Lie Mf B tackled this theme. I'm always down with his stuff, he just always ends up heavily sampling drums from mainstream music, so we can't take 'em. Oh well.

On this one, I'm gonna be blunt. The articulations weren't brutal in the sense that you can't write music. But they were brutal in the sense that they just don't sound realistic or fluid at all. And you definitely tried, I can hear it. Keep at it and bug whoever you have to to learn more about getting your sequencing and timing to sound more fluid.

Decent arrangement. I thought some of the notes changes with the melody sounded awkward, but this definitely would have made it 7 or 8 years ago. Now you've gotta take the execution to the next level. I doubt you could spruce this up enough to pass on your own, Matt, but I'd say try and see how much you could improve this piece, and I think you could learn a great deal. Definitely don't be discouraged though. As long as you keep progressing, you sound like you could get a mix passed.


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