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So, I'm on a game project, obviously composing music. The game is retro based...it pretty much has a complete NES feel. Minus the music, obviously.

Now, the tracks won't be goin' in the game as they are. There's one more step for these things to go through to achieve 8-bit goodness.

At any rate, 01 is Stage 1's theme. 04 is an undecided stage theme and...the last one is pretty self-explanatory. 01 and it's boss them aren't finished. 04 is just about finished, just need to make a section that loops back to a previous point in the track.

So, how do these sound to you guys? Is there anything you dislike or would like to hear differently? Any kind criticism is welcome. Also, if you wanna read up on the game, or check us out, visit www.9bit-productions.com :D


-Final Versions-




I don't think I quite understood what kind of process they are going to go through before making it into the game, so I don't know whether I should comment on production or not. Therefor, let's just say they remind me of freeware games of the 90's, such as Wings, that had tracker music, so yeah they definitely sound retro. That's a good thing.

01: Nothing too fancy but sounds like it could fit whatever kind of game you guys are doing, since it's pretty good background music.

04: The mood is pretty different from that other song and it sounds a lot more complex. I still think of Wings, seriously check it out if you don't know the game, it's really good :D Flying V-shaped planes on caves, trying to shoot down the other planes with different weap...sorry, lost focus there.

I don't think I like this track as much as the one before. It's more complex but it's nothing memorable. The beginning was nice but then it builds too much speed for its own good imo. Not as good background music. The drum track and the fastest melodies are the things I like the least in this.

Stage 1 Boss: It starts off funny, but not in a good-way-funny. Unless the boss in the stage is some weird pink blob that does not look threatening at all. Take a listen to some of the Megaman games boss musics, they set the mood to a level where you know that shit is going to get rough and intense. Sure, your track gets better after that rocky start but somehow it still doesn't sound like boss music to me. It could be the synth sound too, not just the melody. Okay, at about halfway through the track we're getting closer to that feel of battle, but it's unnecessary for the drum track to lose aggression, which it does near the end. The same could be applied to the whole song. Be aggressive when making boss music!

For a more precise review I think I would need to play the game and hear how the songs fit in there. I didn't visit your site so I don't know what kind of game it's going to be. Though I'm hoping for a game where you fly in caves, shooting other planes.


The game is a typical top-down shooter. Basically, you have your ship and you move side to side to dodge enemy fire while firing on them to kill 'em. Pretty basic as it IS retro based. lol

I guess there's not much I have to say about 01, since it's good to go. 04, I can see your point. I can slow it down just a tab and nix out a lot of the drum stuff just to mellow it out. And the melodies...I'm not sure. I like 'em, but I know that doesn't mean a whole lot since this isn't for me.

lol And you're right about the boss track, I'll have to spend a little more time on that one. Thanks for the feedback though. I'm gonna go ahead and put the "finished" version of 01 in the first post, just so you have an idea of what I mean when I say "they have one more step before 8-bit goodness."

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