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I want to make an xbox 360 controller mod, by replacing the right thumb stick with a trackball.

the plan is to mod a usb powered xbox 360 controller. I will have an additional usb cable coming from the trackball that Im going to build into the controller. I plan on buying a mouse and keyboard adapter for the 360...


the plan is to plug the 360 controller into the keyboard jack, and the usb trackball into the mouse jack. now the main question is, will the 360 controller work through the adapter if its plugged into the keyboard jack?

...another question, does anyone have any experience with these mouse/keyboard adapters? if so, whats your thoughts on them?

That's just how they are - it's a console. you don't use a mouse and keyboard :<

I've actually made a good search on the issue and I've seen this particular comment in almost every page.

Simply put, if you want mouse and keyboard support then stick to PC gaming. Either adapt, or don't play shooters on consoles.

I'd bet that's why you're interested in using the KB/M combo on the 360. I wouldn't spend $90 on iffy adapters if I were you Lithe; just stick to the PC if u want the combo for the fps and rts games. I know I do considering the crowd on LIVE. :lol:


I wouldn't spend $90 on iffy adapters if I were you Lithe; just stick to the PC if u want the combo for the fps and rts games. I know I do considering the crowd on LIVE. :lol:

well the reason I want to do this, is because I prefer gaming with a controller, laying back and relaxing after work, rather than going back to a mouse and keyboard on a desk. but I absolutely hate using the analog to look around. I always thought they should replace the right thumb stick with a trackball. I have experience building and machining things, so I thought this would be a fun project!

It also would be too much fun pwning my friends that spend 10X as much as I do gaming =P

Im still going to look a little more into this before I decide to start this project.


I think that what you are doing is pretty cool. I vastly prefer keyboard/mouse for fps games, and would really like it if consoles that have usb ports on them would allow that.

To the people who say "just stick with pc gaming." I would like to say that not all games are made equal, and if it was just fps that was desired, by golly I would just stick with the pc. However there are some games that are only on console that I'd really like to play, but have such a hard time using a controller competitively, and as such it seems a waste of time and money to invest in those games in the first place.

Back to the topic however, I say good luck in your endeavors Lithe!

To the people who say "just stick with pc gaming." I would like to say that not all games are made equal, and if it was just fps that was desired, by golly I would just stick with the pc. However there are some games that are only on console that I'd really like to play, but have such a hard time using a controller competitively, and as such it seems a waste of time and money to invest in those games in the first place.

Oh I only say it in regards to FPS and RTS games that he ought to stick with the PC. I actually would LOVE to try playing the entire Touhou series with a controller and on the big hd screen if only to get back that feeling of the old shooter genre done on consoles like R-Type, Gradius and even that weird, oddly balanced euroshooter. I'm still steamed that 360 owners get their hands on the latest Raiden game, though I do wonder if they will ever consider porting over Death Smiles, preferably for the PS3...

I just wouldn't recommend the console controller for ANYTHING competitive unless it's some certain games such as SSBB or other fighting games. I do wonder though how much better would I be if I used the KB for say... Blazblue.

I know streetfighterIV is on the PC but it's a game I rather play on the consoles.

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