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Hey, dj pretzel,

How are ya, man?

I've just produced a hip-hop Mega Man X remix: the best I've done yet. I've modified a few eq'ing issues to the original copy which I sent over to VGMix. Here's the better version:

It's Zero and Dr. Light's themes done Ice Cube style. My original verses after the melody have celtic-style flute and oboe solos. Other than that, it's your typical Double A Ron mix with synths, breaks, and scratches.

Enjoy it, judges and DJ P,

Aaron Parsons AKA Double A Ron


You've got the basics of hiphop percussion down well enough, but the groove alone can't carry this tune. As mentioned by my predecessors, the sound quality is a major bummer throughout, as is the instrumentation.

You're using the piano the way a guitar should be used. Parallel fifths and octaves everywhere. If it was a distortion guitar, it'd be sick as fuck, but right now, it sounds like a 2nd year class piano student. Sorry dude.

Interesting cut ups and scratches, a bit rough but the energy is there. You've got a pretty decent ear for authentic hippity dippity hoppity, but the SQ has got to match the arrangement ability, which overall isn't half bad. Some more smooth transitions maybe, and definately some more processing on your instruments, along with a dire need for better samples might kick this pig above the threshold.

Resample, Reaffect, Resubmit.




Very nice beats, but beyond that there's almost nothing going on here. Most of the mix it's just one dull lead and bass playing. Occasionally harmonic content joins in to break up the monotony. It's too sparse sounding. Tiny bass, and tiny leads don't work when a mix is this empty.

If you're going to do a mix of this nature, I think it needs some kind of vocals on top of it. Right now it sounds very lacking compositionally.

Again, good drum/percussion work, but beyond that there isn't much else. This needs a lot more work.


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