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Stickerbrush / Shades


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It starts as a Stickerbrush remix, and then it turns into something quite original.


Warning: Contains a lot of rubbery bass.

Making it using Audjoo Helix only.

I am making this mainly to practice composition and transitions between tunes. All the tunes are basically very "videogamey".

I would also have liked feedback on this tune:


Even though it is finished, it has multiple tunes and shares some of the same ideas of merging them. It's a remix of the C64's classic tunes "Shades" and "Hysteria".

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Well done! Stickerbrush Symphony is a very familiar song to me since the release of Donkey Kong Country 2. There is a great feel once the snare starts. While you have a lot of original melody in the song, you maintain a lot of the arpeggios from the source tune, at least for the first half of the song. The latter half is also great, and tells a different story, so to speak.

Shades (In the Rain) has quite a nice melancholy feel. Unfortunately, I have never heard the original song...until just now. You really brought the 8-bit chiptune to life. Good job.

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