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*NO* Tetris 'Peddliing Blocks'


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Peddliing Blocks: Korobeiniki for Solo Piano

Korobeiniki is Russian for "The Peddlers." Tetris involves blocks. Hence the terrible unoriginal title.

Name of game(s) arranged - Tetris

Name of individual song(s) arranged - Korobeiniki ("A-Type")

Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) - Traditional Russian Folk Song arranged for Tetris by Hirokazu Tanaka. Tetris was launched for GameBoy in 1989 containing this song, 5 years after Tetris was written by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov while working for the Soviet Government (who never really got much money for his creation due to the pseudo-communist government. He eventually ended up working for Microsoft).

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. - I became interested in this song after hearing that it was a Russian folk song and not originally written for Tetris. The first thing I did was hit YouTube looking for the original, and I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxlujC8A004 . To my surprise, I found that the Tetris version was actually the complete melody, plus an original phrase. My first attempt at this piece was for Brass Quintet. You can probably dig it up in the WIP forum. Sometime after completing that arrangement, it ended up in my Winamp playlist before Ernesto Lecuona's Malaguena, which is a piano solo (Not the Kenton jazz version, which is an arrangement of said piano piece). I noticed that the Korobeiniki melody would fit into that style pretty well. I also have had a copy of the Garritan Authorized Steinway Piano sample library for over a year that I never really did anything with up to this point. Kind of silly to own a copy of arguably one of the best piano libraries on the market and not use it. So, I decided to make an arrangement of Korobeiniki for Piano in the style of Lecuona, and this is the result. Sheet music will be made available at [url=http://www.corneriasound.com/]http://www.corneriasound.com when it is completed.

Your ReMixer name - DZComposer

Your real name - Adan Leal

Your website - http://www.corneriasound.com

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums <http://www.ocremix.org/forums/>, found by viewing your forum profile - 12284


I'm not sure if I was really liking the harmonies on the main melody, but other than that, this was a solid arrangement. No big surprises, but well-written. I did feel like this could use more humanization in the more even parts, like the intro. Every now and then you had a cool flourish that demonstrated some fluctuation volume or timing-wise, and that was great. Needs more of that in the other places. There was also something about the piano quality that sounded off to me, it didn't quite fill out the song. The 1:12 section didn't have the same problem to me. Hopefully someone can articulate this better than me, or maybe I'm just crazy. Any case, the lack of humanization sinks this for me. Please give it another shot, Adan!

NO (resubmit)

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I agree that the arrangement is generally creative, and that a source like this needs it. I think the arrangement could go even further, but what is here is passable; though that ending I was not feeling in the least.

The piano sound itself is a little too wet i'd say, but it's not killing things for me.

Where the issue stems from, is that the sequencing here is very mechanical. This is dragging it down a lot, and is in my opinion, the only thing that needs fixing to get this over the bar, but it does need to happen.

no, resub

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