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something i wrote for last week's ohc that blossomed into a full piece. the arrangement's pretty set in stone i think, just need some feedback on the production-side of things. i tried to convey feelings of the stillness found in helplessness, and awe, followed by a sense of moving forward. hopefully it makes some sense. enjoy!



First of all, I love where you have taken this since Thursday night.

I think the choir-ish sound at the beginning should crescendo and decrescendo more. Right now it seems a bit stale.

My personal opinion is that the hi hat should blend in a bit more when things are grooving.


I like it a lot. I agree with Obtuse on the choir. The kicks and general groove could be a bit more interesting. mostly listen to some of zircons downgroove songs like star trails and examine how the groove is really rich.

It reminds me a lot of 'to the end of the abyss'

maybe this could inspire you.

Also, make the introduction piano pop more, especially during the introduction when its solo, mostly through EQ-ing and reverbing. Maybe add an harp on the background that plays the same notes as the piano but disguise it.

meh hope that helped


thanks for your suggestions everyone. the choir does sound a little unnatural, i think a little tweak to attack and decay should help. the beat is a little on the simpler side of things -- in part due to the nujabes influence. glad you all enjoyed it!

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