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Being without internet for awhile, I decided to fire my PS2 up and play some older stuff on it.

However, it seems to be having issues reading discs (both PS1 and PS2 games). It'll load the games, but pause and take a LONG time to read the next bit of disc when the time comes. Sound effects occasionaly don't play, and timed sections in these games screw up royally (Guitar Hero, I'm looking at you...).

Any ideas or suggestions as to what could be causing it, and how to fix it?

(Indoor temp is around 62deg, 40% ambient moisture, sitting in a media cabinet on standby mode most of the time).

Thanks in advance <3

(Thank god internet gets installed on Friday, hell, sattelite is better than nothing)


sounds like a dirty lens to me

get one of those lens cleaning discs maybe?

if it's a phat ps2 the brush kind won't work iirc since the brushes get crushed in the tray

alternatively, if it's a slim, some lens cleaning fluid and an ear swab?


It's a slim. I've got some eyeglass cleaner, I'll give it a shot when I get home tonight.

This falls under the "Duh, why didn't I think of that" catagory.

One of those days. :dstrbd:


It's not the lens.

There's a little tab in the back, that tells the PS2 when the door is closed. Apparently the sensor's getting old/weak/whatever, as it's not reading the door as being closed.

*Edit*: I know it's this tab-sensor thing, as when i squeeze on the PS2 slim right where it is, all of a sudden it starts reading the discs again. It refuses to read discs when it's not being gripped.

Anyone know how to mod the case to remove this ugly requirement? everything else is working fine, as far as I can tell....


Figured it out, and everything works perfectly now.

I had to do what they call a "tape and tissue" mod. Voided the waranty to open the case, but there is a tiiiny little pressure switch that wasn't getting depressed fully when the lid was closed. Taped it down, and voila, everything works perfectly now.

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