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A recent one for me.

Playing Dragon Age, I'm on the final boss of the Dwarven deep roads. I've been getting my ass handed to me all day long, and I finally, FINALLY manage to win the battle through a large amount of luck and extreme effort. As the cutscene begins after defeating the boss...BOOM. BSOD.

Reason #148345 why nobody should use Vista, ever.

Oh man, I hated the random crashes too. I became so paranoid I practically quicksaved every 10 or so steps. And isn't the Broodmother just like, the best boss evur?


I got one that I was proud of.

I cleared the entire game of Alundra and never once looked at a guide or FAQ. It did freaking FOREVER, mind you. But it felt SO epic when I finally finished it after reading on the internet about how that game is so difficult that nobody could do it without a guide.

Not that I haven't had any "oh shit" moments, but I don't remember any particular ones because I haven't had any that are as bad as you guys' ones. You guys are downright impressive. Hahaha.



On my renegade playthrough I *barely* didn't have enough renegade points to keep both Legion and Tali loyal, and when I say barely, I mean my renegade gauge appears to be full. I've also done all of the sidequests so its either wait for the DLC to come out, or play through the game again (or both)


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