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*NO* Toy Story (Genesis) 'Havin' Fun with RC'


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Dash Myoku

Miguel Morales

(No Website)

UserID#: 12108

Toy Story

A Buzz Clip

Patrick Collins, Sega Genesis; 1996

(Source plays around 0:29)

I don't really have too much to say about this remix. I love the source track and only because it seems unrefined. I wanted more from it, so I tried to make more for it and give it my own little spin.



The arrangement adds a lot of layers to the original and generally works, but this felt unrefined too. The drums were thin and the instruments had blocky sequencing (which isn't so bad in an electronic song usually, but here it was especially noticeable). There was a fair amount of repetition too, felt like some instruments were playing the same thing for too long. With those fixed, I could see this really taking off - I liked the different styles and drum patterns you've got.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt the drums were a little thin as well, but the patterns were very well done. The half time section was especially awesome, and fit really well with the other sections.

Production I felt was pretty solid, but the sequencing felt very mechanical to me, with very little (if any) velocity variance, and the timing is really rigid. Loosening it up to feel a little more human. Some of the shorter string stabs sounded a bit slow on the attack and gross, you might want to look at that to have them sound more natural.

The arrangement was a bit blocky, as Vinnie mentioned, and a few modifications could fix this, but overall i'm cool with the arrangement. If you want to make it flow more, awesome, as it'd only improve it, but I think the arrangement half meets the bar.

THe main issues I have with this is the execution of the sequencing. Polish that up to sound more natural, and you've got my vote.

no, please resubmit

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This definitely adds a lot more depth to the original. There are a lot more layers going on, and the arranging on the drums stands out. I felt like things got a little stagnant what with the same groups of instruments remaining in the same roles throughout the track. A little more sonic variety would help keep add more interest level overall.

The other dudes are right about the blocky sequencing. Everything is pretty mechanical, which is alright in this style, but a little humanization wouldn't hurt. I also agree about the drums, they've got some awesome patterns, but they aren't holding up in the track.

Arrangement is pretty good, especially on the drums, but add a little human touch and I'd like to see this one again.

NO (resubmit)

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