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GoldenEye: Source Beta 4 soundtrack (tons of free GE remixes) - several new ones

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We just wrapped up the Beta 4 release of GoldenEye: Source, with new features including the long awaited grenade launcher and rocket launcher (with the classic rolling explosions), and the moonraker laser. Since the release a week ago, we've been sitting as the number one mod at moddb.com and seen a huge upswing in playerbase.

Game install files (requires a Steam Source SDK game): http://forums.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/topic,4703.0.html

Game documentation: http://forums.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/topic,4822.0.html



I had the opportunity to write three new tracks for this Beta 4 release, along with the seven or so I wrote for the Beta 3 release. We added a new artist to the mix, who has a heavily Eric Serra inspired style.

My individual tracks can be downloaded at my website:


The new tracks I did are:

"Flight to Arkangel" - Dam/Cradle/Bond remix

"Shaken and Stirred" - remix of GoldenEye multiplayer themes

a remix of Caverns

The entire soundtrack (250 mb) can be downloaded here:




Enjoy! Hope to see some in-game as well. :)


Downloaded Beta4 but haven't gotten a chance to play around with it yet.

Out of curiosity, have the uglier hit detection issues been cleaned up a bit from Beta 3? I'm not expecting perfection, but I'm just wondering. It's a great mod otherwise and I look forward to playing with it some more soon!

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