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I have made an Remix from an Atari 800 XL Game.


It makes me happy,if you upload it to your site.

Sorry for my bad english.

Nice greets



I like the pleasant soundscape you've made here, but it's generic. The drums and backing synths are bland, though I liked the leads. The drums needed to change up more. I also think the arrangement could have done more to stand out, it was static. Those problems aside, I liked some of the rearrangement ideas (maybe introduce more in the first half), but there's too much that needs to be fixed on this.

NO (resubmit)


I pretty much agree with everything Vinnie is saying here. The drums are just too static and have been cut-and-pasted to oblivion. I really enjoy the melody and there is some expansion in the second half, but the generic synths and drums really aren't doing the track any favors.

I'd never have heard this source without your submission, and it's a great source, so thank you, but it needs a lot more work on the arrangement in the first half, and the backing parts.



Not much else to say, Vinnie nailed it. You've got a nice mood going on, but the sounds are a bit bland overall, and without much expansion on the source there's not much else to say. Start experimenting with different ideas you can add or embellish on the melodies and background, and work on the drums to add some flavor to the mix.


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