Palpable Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 "Blue Haze" Yes, like the album. Shutup. Willrock, prisoner #24181 Rozovian, prisoner #21613 #18 on the Pokémon BLUE! chiptune Will: "I didn’t think I’d ever end up doing a collab, but somewhere along the line, that idea went down the toilet So, the original idea behind this mix was to take a happy piece of music and turn it on its head, rip it apart and feast on its insides… It ended up sounding dark, trippy and ambient and I was talking to rozovian about it. He offered to take the midi and use his instrumentation, and knowing about omnisphere and how much it rocks, and Rozo’s good mixing skills, I would have been mad to pass up… So basically, I did the arrangement, gave a midi to rozo, and he ruined it. Ok, seriously, he added some truly awesome feedback stuff and clean or electric guitar samples depending on who you ask, and I recorded some guitar parts to add on. The end result sounds a lot like you might expect… rozo’s chill atmospheric sound mixed with my 80’s synth grooves, and in my opinion, the end result is better than the sum of its parts One of my fav mixes I’ve worked on thus far and I hope you all agree. Enjoy btw in truth, I actually did the whole thing. All rozo did was name it and send it and he wanted to called it pink blur originally" Rozovian: "Everything Will said is false. Seriously tho, Will had the idea of doing a Route 1 remix since there wasn't one on the project at the time. We were talking about it, and ended up doing a collab. It turned out to be a pretty effective way of remixing, he wrote the arrangement. We used mostly his drums, he recorded some guitar for it, and we used a synth lead of his also. The rest of the sounds are mine. I added some sampled guitar stuff in the background, and wrote a little intro and outro. This is my first ocr submission with omnisphere sounds. You bet I'll be doing more. I'm happy with it, it's one of those weird things that neither of us thinks sounds like our own. It doesn't have my typical big breakdown in the middle or lazily looped pads, nor Will's crazy synth solos or his cheapass sound. The biggest disagreement we had with this mix was the name. Not sure that's a good sign or a bad one. btw, I actually did everything, really. Will just helped me with the name, tho he wanted to call it Pink Blur originally." Oh, almost forgot the link: There. No posting this before the album is released. -------------------------------------------------------------- Track 18
OceansAndrew Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Cool intro, and once the theme comes in, it's a very interesting direction to take the source with. I think there were some cool choices made, though I often felt that there wasn't much in the foreground in a supporting role. It was lead and bass, and then a bunch of cool atmosphere effects way in the back. Eventually the rhythm guitars come in, which helps, but they too seemed pushed far back. The drum sound was cool and interesting, but for some reason the beat got really intense for one segment and nothing in the song matched it at all. I think the issue this mix has overall is that it's not focused at all, and it seems like there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle, but none of them are fitting together. Sorry guys, I think this one needs some more work. no, please resubmit
Vig Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Bass entrance at 1:00 is really muddy. There's already a decent amount of low frequency energy when the bass comes in, so there's no room down there. In fact, for the whole song, the pads in the back kept fighting the bass for space. I think this issue is significant and worth changing. I do like the composition and feel, but as far as arrangement, I'm not thrilled..I think it generally lacks direction. Lots of repetititon without expansion. NO
anosou Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 I'm gonna have to agree with my fellow judges. Definitely a great direction to take the source as far as feel goes but the execution is a bit lacking. The arrangement lacks direction, the leads especially seem tacked on top of an ambient track background. I really like some of your ideas but others, less so. The second part of the melody seems kind of shoehorned in there. Production was decent but most instruments are fighting over the same space. The guitar had a very buzzy tone, while I understand it might've been used more as an "odd effect" the end result sounds flimsy and odd. In the intense section the pads and bass still took all the space so you couldn't really feel the change in intensity, makes the arrangement way more flat than it could be. For me this shows a lot of promise though, you've been quite creative, but it's not clicking on all levels. I suggest polishing it up, making the production a bit cleaner and nailing down the direction. Good start! NO(resubmit
Palpable Posted March 4, 2010 Author Posted March 4, 2010 Sorry, Rozovian told me yesterday he'd like to give us a new version and I told him we'd hold on this. My bad, but let's wait for the new version and vote again. EDIT 3/8: Oh look here it is. Honestly, this sounds pretty similar to the last version, and I think the production problems are still there. It's bassy, there could have been some clean-up. It's a little brighter, which I guess is nice, though at times the leads get loud. I will go contrary to the other guys and say I liked the arrangement. It felt it had good direction, building up from subtle pads, adding guitar and heavier drums as it went. I liked the hazy, spacy atmosphere, feels like one of those songs that ends an album. You'd have to get pretty lucky for this to pass at this point, considering this sounds almost exactly like the last version and I don't think it'll change any votes, but good luck to ya. YES
OceansAndrew Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I do agree that it sounds slightly better, but there is a massive frequency gap in the song for the duration. I do like the spacey vibe, but the levels are all over the place. Sorry guys.
anosou Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Had a few listens and not much has changed, still a no from me.
DragonAvenger Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Cool atmosphere, but overall I agree with most of what has been said. For the most part we are dealing with bass, lead, some drums, and in the background some pads that are doing some support. The levels aren't really balanced, and the frequency gap only enhances that. The arrangement feels a little direction-less, although I don't think it's necessarily a totally bad thing on this track. I like the meandering quality it has, but I would have liked a bit more of a 'journey' through the track. I think this one can be brought up, but you're going to have to really focus on the issues the other judges brought up. Good luck! NO (resubmit)
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