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*NO* Final Fantasy Adventure 'Hip Boss'


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Yeah my problem is the loop as well. Perhaps it's because I use Reason and so am very familiar with the loops contained within. The loop has been well used, but I can't help focusing on that one aspect of the mix.

What is more fashionable, and certainly better when people are so familiar with the loop, is to put any loops that you're using as secondary percussion. As it is, the loop is on the frontline here, and it's just glaring at me throughout.

That aside, the song has been mixed nicely, and everything else is fine. But the drum issue just overides everything else.


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I've got no beef with the loop. It's switched up enough to keep it on its groove track.

What I do have a large platter of USDA select for is the lack of volume in everything that isn't the percussion.

I'm really digging the arrangement and the varying instrumentation around the piano.

The piano could use a bit of a better sample if possible and some EQ. And a more atmospheric reverb rather than a delay (sounds like delay....or a hard reflecting reverb) would be nice.

The ending is a simple drum-out, which would work fine if there was flow occuring. No flow, no go.

Fix the volume on the non-drum instruments, give 'er a more direct EQ, and if practical, get some flow.


Very enjoyable though. Resubmit.


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