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New Challenge Approaching! Team Rocket/Goldenrod City, Pokémon HeartGold

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There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different.


Funny story...I was going to challenge this community to make a Star Fox Adventures Remix (since there were not any), and--lo and behold--just the other day one showed up on the front page! It was nearly in the style I was going to request--how convenient!

If you're interested, you could remix any track from SFA and proceed to spread the love--but here's The Challenge: it needs vocals!


All right, that's not the official Challenge, so enough of that.


We're celebrating the re-release of Pokemon classics here! I know I was excited...

Now, I've heard it said that the Pokemon games don't have much to work from when it comes to their music...

"Yeah, so the thing with talented remixers remixing Pokemon...at the very best it's like you're molding the Venus di Milo out of a giant pile of poo. Sure you've got some chops, but you're putting them to waste on this crappy material. Imagine how much better your art could be if you had a better source to work with."

...yeah. While I agree that most Pokemon tuneage is decidedly non-stellar, I have always found it to be enjoyable to listen to--even the comparatively shoddy GameBoy sounds. Now that I've been inspired--certain favorite tunes of mine (why would I make this glorified request if I didn't like the song?) have been remastered on the DS--I decided it was high time for another Challenge!


So, here are the songs, in their old and new versions for you to pick and choose from:

Goldenrod City:

, HeartGold/SoulSilver

The Bike Theme:


Team Rocket/Creepy Trainer Fanfare: Red and Blue Version,

Team Rocket Fanfare:

(starts at 4:41)

Team Rocket Battle:



So, my opinions on the songs? (Feel free to scroll past this if you like...but some of it's important if you're following the Challenge.)

I like both versions of Goldenrod City equally, and they are my favorite songs from this game, and they're in my top three for the series. Many people dislike or outright hate the new version, but I like it because it's more upbeat, and because it's tropical--Goldenrod is a city by the sea, after all, and being the largest city in Johto, it's probably a resort town.

The Bicycle theme is just a faster Goldenrod City. I like the old school version better because it's more childish. The new one sounds like you're biking in a triathlon or something.

The Team Rocket Fanfare from R/B/Y is extremely simple, but the thing is...when you hear it, you know the guy you're fighting is a shady character. It's distinctive, and it's on the list because it could possibly be used, not necessarily because it will be used.

All right! Team Rocket returns! This theme celebrates the takeover of Goldenrod City and the triumph of Team Rocket. I like the HG/SS version better--it's louder, more bombastic, and more fun in my opinion.

I put the battle themes in there just in case you wanted more material.


So, what's the Challenge? You've got all the materials you need to...

...take over Goldenrod City! Yes, you, Team Rocket, will seize power. On a clear day, when no one suspects anything, you will strike, like a vengeful Seviper! People will cower in their homes as you stalk the streets, your members guarding the gates from unwanted visitors (I'm looking at you, Lyra!). No one can stand up to your combined might, and the city falls all too soon. They barely put up a fight.

Victory is yours!


...or is it?


Well, that's for you, the Remixer, to decide. Is it a success? Do they take over only to be thwarted by a few spunky pre-teens? Or does Giovanni himself come out of hiding and lead Team Rocket into a golden age of power?

Start out with some cheery Goldenrod tunes to fake people out before going into the sinister mafia tunes that make the Team Rocket of the games so sinister. Feel free to make them even more sinister, in fact! They need all the help they can get!

If you don't feel like remixing this song, fine.

If you want to remix this song but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also fine. I'd appreciate any remix, because I like this song.

If you decide to remix this song, please PM me when it's finished and if/when accepted to the site.

I can't wait to hear it!

The Damned: Thank you! I've been remarkably unobservant not to know about your project!

Halc: Ah, excellent...you remixed which one, now? Well, I'll go listen to it, whatever it is!

it's goldenrod

but yeah, you'll have to wait until the project is released :wink:

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