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Your ReMixer name: Main Finger

Your real name: Jesse Gregory

Your email address: mainfinger@gmail.com

Your website: http://mainfinger.com

Your userid: 337

Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 9

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Strange World (Wily Stage 3)

Name of ReMix: Sizzling Circuits!!


Ok, here goes nothing. So whereas the last song I submitted was tweaked in 2009 but mostly made many years back, this song was started and finished in 2009. This is actually new material instead of tweaked old stuff (well, new as in late August of 2009 anyway). In other words, I no longer have an excuse if it sucks.

I made this for k-wix's currently delayed (R.I.P. Sixto's hard drive) Mega Man 9 Remix Project. I auditioned for the project fully expecting to get rejected, but to my surprise he actually let me be on it after hearing my audition track. I got really stressed out trying to make this song good. Having never been on an OCR album before, I was incredibly nervous. But I slaved away in my humble home studio and I think it turned out all right. If nothing else, k-wix seemed to like it writing:

"So i've been listening to this for quite awhile, and i really do dig it! Very, very cool stuff. To keep it short and sweet, I like pretty much all of it! I think your leads shine, nice work keeping it varied. Very solid understanding of the fundamentals. I think my favorite part is the lead that jumps in at 1:52 and again at 2:03, that's just really slick. Nice variation of the beats, all-around very cool stuff."

That at least put my mind at ease. But now it's time to get nervous again as I submit it to the judges panel. It's always kind embarrassing to think that people who only know me from OCR have only heard my Metroid remix, "Secrets", from 2002 (a song I can't bare to listen to now). Hopefully, I can finally get something new on. But hey, if nothing else at least I will get on in album form (assuming the album doesn't get canceled).

All right, I should stop rambling. Goodbye!

-Jesse "Main Finger" Gregory



Dizzamn, this one gets really loud once it kicks in. It's way over-compressed. :-(

Nice subdued intro, but the solo viola that came in at :40 was pretty fakey, it could use a little more care in the sequencing.

There are a lot of cool sounds in this once it gets going, but they are strangely mixed in with some pretty lifeless synths. The lead at was :59 was specifically dead sounding; add some modulation to the longer notes so it comes alive. The switch to a more oscilated synth at 1:23 was an improvement, but there was still no modulation. Bowed attacks of the string beds at 1:35 were a little rough as well.

Arrangement was personalized with a lot of breakdowns and beat shifts, and progressed pretty well.

Based on the over-compression, and weak sequencing, i'm gonna have to throw this one back. The arrangement is creative, but the production issues need to be addressed. :-(

no, please resub


I'm not gonna be able to add much more than what OA said. I liked the take, the new writing is catchy and complements the original song. There's also some interesting sounds used, and a lot of progression. But the production has several issues that are gonna make this a NO. I wouldn't necessarily say this is over compressed, but it is loud, and for the second half there's way too much happening. Some of those supporting elements need to be pushed back, so that it's not all in your face - you might want to consider simplifying the writing, if it's still too much. I agree with OA that the string articulations weren't strong, and the synth leads could have used more movement. With some of these changes in place, this has a good shot at passing, Jesse.

NO (resubmit)


This one definitely has promise, but the production is where things are hurting. Right now to me the sounds just don't compliment the energy you're trying to create. OA has some great advice that you should really check out. I also agree with him on the strings at 1:35, the attacks are all over accented for a background part.

By the end, there is so much going on that's fighting for the forefront. Vinnie is right that you should take a look at that to get the volumes adjusted so that the leads are more clearly supported rather than fought with.

The arrangement itself is pretty good, I have no qualms with it, but the production right now isn't up to par. Tweak this up and send it back please.

NO (resubmit)

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