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  • 3 weeks later...

Dude, this is pretty cool. I write a lot of video game themed tracks myself and this is pretty bad ass. Sounds like something from a japanese anime or possible a Mega Man game. Are those live or midi/vst guitars? I think its midi, especially when the guitar plays that lead about half way through the song. doesn't matter though cause its awesome man.

I think it sounds great as it is and looking forward to hearing more from you!


This sounds awesome, checked out both versions and the recent one is definitely a major improvement upon the first one. I'm loving the drums you got going, it's a pretty cruising track for boss music, it reminds me of both Grandia II music and various Japanese scrolling shooter games.

What type of boss battle is it? RPG? Action? I can feel the vibe for both. The guitar synth is a little bit too quiet, might want to turn it up just a notch. As for the overall track it's not overly complicated and I found myself enjoying the track the entire way through, would love to hear this in a game.


Thanks for the replies. ^^

It's still pretty tough to sequence a convincing lead guitar.. probably impossible until I learn about what is actually involved with playing an actual guitar.

Yeah, the lead guitar was a bit quiet. I'll bump it up a bit.

I've been stuck for a while thinking of different structure for the song. I'll try to post something soon.


I've been waiting for the next version, can say you've impressed me even more with this one.

Glad to hear the lead guitar is at the right volume now, it doesn't drain out the other instruments also which is good. Love the transition half way through how they key goes up by two whole steps, it works, though not entirely sure about whether or not the piano fits in 100% through the transition process, could just be me however.

The guitar solos are excellent overall, the melody is great and so are the piano solos, strings are also great. Bass grooves and riffs are very suiting/catchy, drums are perfect. Are you at all familiar with Noriyuki Iwadare? This stuff is seriously making me want to play Grandia II again, don't know how but that's what this reminds me of.

I have no conflicting issues with how it sounds through my speakers, you've obviously done a great job with mixing down the track, definitely near completion. Keep it up and I look forward to hearing the final mix.

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