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This is my first OC Remix, but i've been playing video game songs for years.

This is a sort of simulation of playing in the underground world of SMB1, then dying and having to start the game over again. this is accomplished with a bass, a guitar, a didgeridoo, and bongos. Although the underground theme is pretty true to the original in sound and feel, the main Mario theme deviates into its own little jam session. This is not another rock and roll version of the underground mario song, though there is detectible rock influence in the track. It has a style and feel that is unique from the other mario tracks on the site. Thank you for your consideration of this remix.

remixer: Ben Shroomin

email: ben@bitterjug.net

website: http://www.betweenplanets.com/


interesting concept. this is kinda cool, but i don't think it's really OCR material. i like the 'jam-session' style but this is perhaps a bit too sloppy. plus, there are recording problems (clipping, everything sounds muddy)


interesting concept. this is kinda cool, but i don't think it's really OCR material. i like the 'jam-session' style but this is perhaps a bit too sloppy. plus, there are recording problems (clipping, everything sounds muddy)



I agree with Anna, plus there is this persistant fuzz (Vigilante will have to clear me up on the proper technical term) in the background.

Distill this piece to its basic elements. You have a bass, a secondary guitar, and some ambient hiccuping effects. Nothing really new or exciting is being added. It's really just a ground-less experiment. I commend the experimentation, but am totally disengaged by what that experiment yields: an hollow piece with a melody that has been done before.

It need a better hook/gimmick to keep me engaged. As it stands right now, it's just... different.


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