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Impact Soundworks is proud to be a part of the newly unveiled Indie Dev Collective, a massive sale consisting of twelve developers from all ends of the audio software spectrum with the goal of providing customers with a huge range of deals on synths, effects, samples, loops and presets.

Discounts extend all the way up to 65% off, with over 50 deals on more than 90 diverse products by developers like:

Impact Soundworks

de la Mancha

Dusted William Sounds

H.G. Fortune

Hardcore Harmonics/Supersynths


Nucleus Soundlab

Perimeter Sound Arts


Westgate Sounds


Dangerous Bear Underground

In an effort to introduce our customers to more developers and encourage cross-fanbase interest, the developers of the IDC have organized the sale with a little twist:

1. Purchase any of the 19 products, from any developer, on the IDC main page in the lefthand column.

2. After purchase, the developer you bought from will email you your download information and send you a link to a private sale page where you'll find even more discounts from all participating developers (deals listed on the righthand column of the IDC main page.)

The sale is open now and will continue through May 31st. Visit the Indie Dev Collective site for more information: http://www.indiedevcollective.net

The ISW products involved in this sale include Sitar Nation: Classical Instruments of India, Impact: Steel - Cinematic Metallic Percussion, and Groove Bias: Vintage Drum Sounds, all critically-acclaimed KONTAKT-format libraries!


Strange way to run a sale, buying to get more discounts, but it's interesting.

Not anything in here I'm terribly interested, but I am tempted to buy your ISW stuff.

Just so you know, your Traditional Demo song link is dead on that page.

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