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Here is a submission for you to consider. This is my first submission, if I've done it incorrectly, let me know.



Hizzle House


ToeJam & Earl - "ToeJam Jammin'"

Interesting style. It's definitely too spartan, which may be intentional, but just comes off very, very empty. Minimalism and emptyness aren't mutually inclusive. 2:16 finally added more meat on the bones; before that, things felt too simple and plodding. Arrangement-wise, there was interpretation, but it didn't feel developed enough, basically because there was always so little complementing the melodic variation. If the overall style were like 2:16-onward to keep things more fleshed out, this could work, but it needs more substance.

NO (resubmit)


Cool concept, but the production is exceptionally thin. The drums sound like they are about 2 inches tall, and there are a lot of frequencies being ignored completely. Otherwise, there is just a lot of overly basic sounds being used, that are a bit too one-dimensional.

This lofi style can definitely work, but you'll need to put some additional care into how you present your sounds. Check out some of the work by AeroZ or halc for a ton of great ideas of making lofi samples really sound awesome.



Hehehe 808. Well, I personally like the approach. The issue is that the mixing isn't doing the fuzzy minimal approach any favors. The buzzing bass pushes everything else back and most instruments reside in the same frequencies.

If the mix was a little bit more daring and relying less on four-bar-loops I could forgive the sparse soundscape actually. You have some nice ideas on how to arrange the source, just take them to the next level! If the mixing was more even and spread out over the frequencies (I can even see using the same sounds as okay as long as they're sculpted a bit better) this would be in much better shape. Very retro!


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