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Your ReMixer name - Mikeaudio

Your real name - Mike Isel

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Your userid "19903"

Name of game(s) arranged - Left4Dead, Devil May Cry 3

Name of individual song(s) arranged - Left4Dead(Main Theme), DevilMayCry 3 (Dantes office 7 Hells Battle)

DevilMayCry3 music composed by Tetsuya Shibata, Kento hasegawa (PS2)

Left4Dead music composed by Mike Morasky (Xbox360)

Dantes office 7 Hells Battle link

Couldn't find an mp3 download so here is the youtube link

Remixing Left4Dead was a little tricky, since the melody is a bit subliminal in presence, also there is not much musical material so it would sound more on the repetitive side. I decided to mix 2 different themes together, so I chose Devil May Cry 3. Surprisingly, the main riff from Dantes office fit with the main melody of Left4Dead. After experimenting with ideas, I decided to do a mix with a Nu-Metal, dreamtheaterish feel with a hint of industrial roots. The name of the mix is "Zombie Crippler" Enjoy.


  • 4 weeks later...

Decent production, but it's being pushed pretty hard on the compression. Still, everything is pretty clear, and the balance is good. Drums are well written, and there are a few cool piano touches before the song gets into the DMC riff. I wish there was a little more piano, actually, because I was feeling that part.

I don't really care for the solos, they sound to me like random wanking rather than a composed lead, but whatever.

Source use is a little strange, as it's basically the main DMC riff with the other melody *very* subtly draped over the top, except for the time through with the lead guitar. I'm not sure whether or not to call this a cover with a reference, or something else.

Overall, I like a lot of the things the song is doing, and the production is there, but it seems like the different sections are a little too disjointed from each other, and that the DMC riff is making the whole track so repetitive. Other J's may disagree with me, but I think this needs a little more arrangement work before I'm comfortable passing it.

No, please resubmit


Toughie. I love the ideas and production here but this just seems to have the wrong balance of sections. The intro was cool, but the slowdown/speed-up got overused, since it lasted more than 30 seconds. The 1:16 section worked best for me since it combined the two sources and played a little with the L4D melody. Then the uh wanking section. Again, in a small dose, this kind of stuff is fun to hear. Once I realized it was stretching past eight measures, I started to worry a bit. It's just not interesting enough to carry that long, and definitely not past sixteen measures, though from there it gets more melodic though still somewhat at odds with the chords. The organ part came out of nowhere and didn't fit too well, especially since it kicks right back to more soloing.

Yeah, like OA, I'm just not feeling this enough. The soloing is impressive, even the weird stuff, but it carried on too long. The DMC riff doesn't change that entire time and that's your one link to a source. I'd say focus more on that stuff that is working: the L4D melody, the piano break. I think you could rejigger this into a passable sub pretty easily, and heck, it could still pass anyway. Best of luck.

NO (resubmit)


I agree with the other joojes. Production and performances are great, but the actual arrangement is kind of lacking; it's just that Dante riff with some soloing over it. Some of the soloing sounds like a dying cat; that is not a qualitative statement, I'm just making an observation. It actually kind of fits.

The problem is that most of the source usage in this piece is the DMC riff over and over again. I could do with less solo, more melodic/harmonic treatments of the source. You never really wail that L4D theme on the guitar, and it would sound awesome if you did.

NO, resub

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