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Still needs a lot of cleaning up done on it, but the general idea is down. I've not got too much experience in remixing using the original vocal track so i'd like some opinions on what you think of it and how it can be improved, so any feedback would be very much appreciated!



this is great, its a lot of fun to listen to :D

i would put a really small amount of delay on the drums, very dry with a smidge of feedback. if your delay box can have different timings for l/r channel i like to put one side to 1 step and the other to 2 steps. basically if you get another light hit from the snare or bass drum it adds a bit to the groove, i imagine it would sound extra sweet with what youve got going :) setting the l/r channels to different times will just open up the width of the sound!

i would maybe bring the hi hats down in level a tiny bit and add some variation, maybe a little hi hat fill here and there, but thats just me being a sucker for busy drumming!

theres an arpeggiated synth a little over half way through that i really like, maybe bring that up in volume a bit! i might try to widen up the sound a bit more, maybe add some 808 clave hits to the far right or left sides. i think reverbing and bumping up the hi-mid ranges on the vocal track will give it a bit more atmosphere too. hope this helps in some way :D


I would drop everything but the vocal track down. It's almost impossible to actually hear the vocals over the hi-hats, let alone the entire remainder of the track.

The whole mix is really top-heavy, too, I think, but it might just be me. The kick drum is really quiet compared to the snare, and to the hi-hats even, when it should be holding down the groove in a song like this.

I'm gonna have to disagree with the delay comment on the drums. It *can* be useful, but I think it also makes mixing the drums in a lot more difficult because they become so much busier. Plus, everything's already drowned in too much reverb as is. Adding a whole bunch of delay will only make things blend together more.

Adding a whole bunch of delay will only make things blend together more.

the idea is that its not a whole bunch of delay ;) it should be so subtle that its almost difficult to hear (but you can still feel it in the groove). think of it like an automatic way to hit a tiny ghost note after a hard drum stroke

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