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OC ReMix and Copyrights


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Hey there. I've been a huge fan of OCR for a long time. I found out about it when watching some Super Smash videos on youtube that had some sick tracks for background music. I found out they were from here and I was hooked.

Now, I'm a computer programmer (wannabe) and I'm making a game. I'm currently searching for background music to use for the game.

Due to potential legal problems, I figured I'd better check with you guys just to be sure about this.

If I want to use an OCR member's music in a potentially commercial endeavor, the proper thing to do would be to contact the artist, obtain permission, and then give credit to the artist. Correct?

Hope that makes sense. Replies are appreciated!

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OC ReMixes cannot be used in any commercial endeavor, as per our content policy:


If it is strictly noncommercial then yes, that would be the right approach (technically we don't require you to ask permission, simply give proper credit, though it's the right thing to do!)

If you need original music by OC ReMixers for a game project, may I direct you to ZirconTrax, a catalog of over 300+ ready-to-license tracks available at low cost for projects like yours. Many of them are provided by OC ReMixers like myself, sgx, bLiNd, Joshua Morse, Mazedude, bustatunez, Big Giant Circles, pixietricks, etc. We can also arrange custom music for you if you need that!

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With everything on ocr being video game music arrangements, you'll need more than just the remixer's permission to use their remixes in your work. You'll need the originals' copyright holders' permission as well. ie, the company that made the game have to let you use the remixes. Non-profit is probably fair-use, but anything commercial will likely get CnD'd.

(edit: whatever, I got ninja'd by zircon. content policy. read.)

On the other hand, many remixers here (myself included) are also composers and do original works and soundtracks. You can recruit a composer for your game via the recruit/collab board here. That means you get whatever music deal you agree on with the composer.


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