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Remixer name: Guifrog

Real name: Guilherme Arcoverde

Website: www.myspace.com/guifrog

Country: Brazil


Game arranged: Kingdom Hearts 2

Song arranged: Rowdy Rumble (source link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGsLkQ0vRgc)

Additional input: España Cañi by Pascual Marquina (source link:


Remix name: Espacio Cañi (mix link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yn2zzjtnbnj)


These days I went so spectacularly amazed with a spectacular song - España Cañi - that I decided to pay homage to it in a video game remix! I know that's quite a famous song, but I've never listened to the complete thing. As for "Espacio" Cañi, I wanted to make the title represent the mix kinda "spacial" tune by playing with the words. Here's a breakdown:

0:00-0:05 -> Intro - Marquina's registered mark.

0:11-0:30 -> Rowdy Rumble's main melody, with a spanish-sounding guitar.

0:33-0:54 -> Chorus, with a very minor take on the source. The marimba plays a variation of RR's intro.

0:58-1:04 -> Trumpet recalls a part of the main melody.

1:05-1:25 -> So it comes again in its entirety, played by synths and rearranged with an electronica vibe. Yet, I tried to make it in a way so the song never loses it's way (=P).

1:27-1:49 -> Chorus comes with some variation, as the song's gained an electronica feel.

1:50-2:00 -> Here I tried to put RR's intro without variations, and played by the spanish guitar, along with original melody from trumpets. It didn't turn out as good as I planned, coz the trumpets catch more attention, but I think the guitar's audible enough. I worked on the EQ as I could =P

2:11-2:40 -> Song turns quiet for the instruments' solo. They'll play another melody line from RR. Marimba comes first, stick on the source. Guitar makes a few variations, and the synths call RR's remix 'pre'-finale.

2:45-3:06 -> Now, I love this part! The pitch turns up a bit, and the trumpets complete the source usage.

3:08-3:42 -> 34 secs of Marquina's España Cañi. I used the same instruments played during the entire remix in order to substitute the original song ones, so I could be loyal to everything that happened. Besides, it ain't really nice to copy everything from such a cool song.

I think this is my favorite production so far, and I'm quite satisfied with the way I managed to solve some issues (y'know, the trumpets gave me a headache until I could make them work well enough). Entonces, does it deserve un lugar on OCRemix?




There is a lot of energy in this piece, which I'm really enjoying. There are no point that I felt that the piece dragged. It's not a far cry to take Rowdy Rumble to a more Spanish-flavored feel, and I think the way you arranged things worked out really well. The break-down was also a great help, so thank you for that.

I do have to note that despite you saying that you are paying an homage to España Cañi, I can't say I'm hearing a direct connection aside from the section at the end. While I am on that topic, I feel like the tag ending doesn't really connect with the rest of the track, and honestly doesn't feel like it belongs at all. I know you are trying to pay tribute, but I think the mix would stand better without it.

The real issue here is the samples. Most of the judges mentioned in your last mix that the samples were weak, but they worked in the context of the DK Racing mix because of how you arranged it. This has a lot more solo playing, and the samples are painfully weak as is. Right now they aren't going to stand up.

The arrangement is pretty much there, but without either a sample upgrade or some arrangement that better pads the samples and prevents them from being exposed, I can't say this one is a pass for me.



Arrangement = Amazing. No question there.

Samples = Underwhelming and exposed. Also no question.

There was pretty obvious care put into the lead trumpet sequencing, and some of the passages really worked pretty well. The higher register is where it got a little dicey. The nylon string guitar was uber fake though, and with it so prominent , that is going to be an issue. The marimba and synth were passable, however, so it's not like every sample is too low-fi. Some of the small details like the claps could easily be altered to sound more realistic and would give this more depth and character.

I think hitting up the WIP forum for some assistance with samples would really kick this over the edge. Also, finding a live guitarist for this would be absolutely incredible. THe part is pretty difficult, but it might be something to consider.

Overall I love the track and the arrangement, but the samples are a little too high of a hurdle to clear right now. If you'd like, hit me up with a PM and I can assist you further.

No, please resubmit


OA and DA were thorough so I'll keep it short. The arrangement is very good but the samples are dragging this down. This would be brilliant in a Nintendo 64 game but we desire a bit higher quality production and samples.

Please consider a collaboration or similar to get the production up to par because the arrangement is really, really good.


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