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NES Alien3 Intro Theme

Mak Eightman

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Well I guess this game not so popular for remixing, but still it has perfect sound line. Any way this is my attempt to do something with it:stats.png

I think it's finished, but maybe You don't think so. Tell me what do you thin about it pleas.

P.S. I'm thinking about remix album of NES's Alien. I will be honored if someone want to collab with me.

P.P.S. Yeah.. I know. My skills sucks:mrgreen:

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Hey don't get too down on yourself :)

Right off the bat the mix in general is pretty muddy, with lots of loud elements bleeding together. Not sure about that bass-type synth at the start - I can't articluate it, but it's not rubbing me the right way.

Really could use some cleanup in the mixing and EQs to address this. I'm guessing the guitar chugs + that bass synth are causing most of the mud.

I can tell you're a skilled guitarist and drums in general sound good. On the drum writing, work on your fills (lots of snare eighth note run)s. I think this is a big opportunity for the mix, getting the drums a lot more interesting. Metal demands a lot more from the drummer, IMO.

The arrangement (as far as flow) is a bit too repetative (see 1:56, 2:20 rehash of earlier stuff). 2:34 was a good changeup from this, though.

Honestly, the lead guitar line at 1:20 felt a bit weak, compared to the energy of the rest of the track and occasionally sounds like it's out of tune. Ending felt weak as well.

You're doing well, keep working on it. Good luck on the rest of it... and go listen to Snappleman ;)

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