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Yes, I know this is my first forum post, complain if you want. I've been lurking here quite awhile and decided to get in the game. I'm a versatile drummer...I can also do bass and male vocals. I have a small recording studio, so my turn around time would be fairly quick. If I can help any of you let me know.


I'm drumming on these songs, See His Love being the most recent. The other songs are a couple years old. I'm doing everything but playing the guitar in these, including vocals...which aren't really anything to brag about.


As far as drums go I have an electric and acoustic set. I know midi is popular, but there's still a need for the human touch in some songs. As a gamer I'm an rpg buff, but I'm open to help with whatever genre.


Double post ban him blah blah.

This is a BUMP with a purpose. Several people have been asking me about my style, so I thought I could clear that up. I wear long sleeve western style shirts with the snap down buttons (for epic Hulk Hogan impersonations) with a boot cut jean.

As far as drums go, I like stuff like this.

So once again, if I can help anyone, let me know.


Not bad kid. I got recruited to do a drum track for something sekret. I'm trying to talk myself into buying mics. That, and staring at the thread where I posted my recorded track on the guys song and salivating... Any recommendations on how to mic a set and what to buy?


If you have a decent budget, get these for sure.


You'll need mic stands for the 57's, but they really capture your symbol work. I've used these with great success recording.

If you're looking at something cheap, maybe go with these.


I have used thes CAD mics live and they sound good, but I've never used them for a recording...so not sure.

I also have a small electric set I use sometimes when recording...depending on the song.


I've had the same kit for years, since high school. Old starter kit, I have added 2 cymbals to it, but. In all honesty, I'm biased to that cheap sound that I've got. I have an AAX splash and a weckal O-Zone crash... And the B8 starter set. I tried some 13 inch AA hats, and some 15 Ziljan As, hated them both. How obvious will it be that I'm using a cheap kit and starter cymbals (and need new drum heads Q.Q) will it seem if I mic it well? :banghead: I haven't done any recording except the thing for a secret projekt, and I did it on the desktop mic. Or I'd give ya an example. I may ask the project director anyway. We'll see.

Anyways, thanks. I'll be looking into these for sure 70$ isn't bad at all.

EDIT: Oh hell, I'll need something to run them through. Prolly the EMU 0404 that I have won't be substantial. 4 mics and it only supports 2 inputs? I think I'm going to need a cheap mixer/recorder... Welp, research time.


I would invest in some good heads if I did nothing else. If you're using your original heads they will probably make for an out of tune and weak recording. Remo makes a nice rock pack set for 69.99...I'm partial to Evan's coated snare heads though.

I record using a presonus firepod. It has 8 inputs, so I can record each mic as a separate track. This is awesome because I don't have the most expensive set either, but with each mic on a separate track you can add effects specific for each. With adobe audition there are several effects for bass drums, snare, cymbals, etc. If you use a mixer before your recorder you're going to only have 1 track, and any effects you add will be added to everything.


Yeah, I had to record 2 tracks for mine because I wanted to effect just the kick drum, so I played it twice. A hands only track and a kick track. The heads are just worn, I've replaced them many times, I'm just lazy and broke/cheap :wink: I like Evans clear and some Aquarian rings to deaden them a bit. I'm just looking to record multiple tracks at a time, then use a DAW do edit and mix them. I don't really want a mixer as much as a multi-line recorder.

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