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ReMixer name: Defiance

Real name Peter Mitchell

Email address petemit@gmail.com

Userid 11054

Name of game arranged Space quest 3

Name of individual song(s) arranged Introduction

Additional information about game Composer: Bob Siebenberg; System: PC; Company: Sierra

Link to the original soundtrack http://www.spacequest.net/sq3/soundtrack/SQ3_01-%20Introduction.mp3

Own comments

One of the prime motivations for me to learn how to read when I was a small child was the old Sierra classics. I love these games. Space quest three is one of my favorite of the series, and really, I think the introduction song is catchy, but doesn't catch the eerie danger that Roger really puts himself into. And, even though Roger is constantly the source of ridicule, particularly from the narrator, he is a hero, albeit a klutz.

Anyway, the original is pretty good, and I hope my more dissonant approach does the game justice. This mix was created by FL-Studio.



I'm hearing a decent amount of arrangement, in the style change, some elongation of phrases, and rhythmic changes. I generally like what you've done, although the source itself starts to wear thin on me after a while. No real issues on that aspect.

You have the melody line panned a little right, which is somewhat strange. Keep the melody line in the center, and have some subtle panning reserved for background parts. I've got to say, though, that the sounds themselves are just too lo-fi for me. I could imagine this in a PS1 game easily, which isn't really at a level that is good for OCR. The synths are pretty generic, and honestly I think they are holding back the piece from it's potential. I'd love to hear you experiment with some other sounds to add some more life to this.

I think the arrangement is doing alright, but the sound quality is just not at a high enough level. NO (resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

I gotta second the ruling that the synths and production are what is holding this back, as well as the really weak drum samples. Transitions were also pretty weak, and though the arrangement is creative, but there needs to be some tightening up of the different sections. Some of the sequencing is pretty mechanical as well, and could definitely be improved with some humanization. I'd smooth the transitions, beef up the samples, and resub!


  • 2 weeks later...

This only takes off for me at the 1:03 mark - before that there's not enough going on detail-wise to really justify the vast expanses of nothing. The early sections with just kick and snare are really empty. The way the intro was written was also weird, with the harder snare entering out-of-the-blue for one hit. But the arpeggios really fill things out and when the drums come in with full force at 1:22, this sounds pretty cool and the rest of the song is stronger. I would have moved that moment earlier, or maybe played with the hi-hats instead of the kick/snare combo in the intro. Unfortunately, production is a problem throughout. The drums sound pretty far back in the mix, while many of the synths are thin and hang front. It didn't sound like it was all in the same space. The pad synth, the one that starts the song, also took up a lot of your space and it would have been better to pull that back. Texturally this could have been more intricate as well. Oh and yes, CENTER that lead if it's not gonna be balanced, it's distracting otherwise. Hopefully these comments get your mixing moving in the right direction, there's potential in this song.

NO (resubmit)

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