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*NO* Kingdom Hearts 2 'Promises: Tortured and Mutilated'


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Remixer name: Beyond the Flagpole

Email Address: wtfbbqcream@hotmail.com

Song name: Promises: Tortured & Mutilated

Sourses used: The other promise (Kingdom hearts 2)

Hello OC, this is my first attempt at getting a song posted on your site. Any critizisms would be very much appreciated.

My submission is a mix of industrial metal and old school 8 bit sounds. I thought mixing distorted industrial percussion with 8bit sounds would be interesting.

Thank you for your time


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I thought that approaching this song from an industrial standpoint was an interesting idea, and there are some spots where it worked nicely. Arrangement-wise, I think there could have been a little more expansion on the source themes themselves, but I thought the structure was changed around, along with the style pretty well. I can't say the ending was working for me; it felt outside the scope of the rest of the track. That was my biggest gripe on that end of things.

Unfortunately, with the main use of the chiptune sounds there isn't a way that this can pass here. This is pretty much a sound downgrade from the original, and while it works in the context you are personally going for, it does not hold up to our production standards. Personally I feel like the chiptunes kind of suck the power that this track could have.

If you are up for changing the sounds around to rework this for the site, that would be cool, and I'd like to hear it then. NO (resubmit?)

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I like the general ideas involved here and I think the sound design is actually pretty cool. I wouldn't say this is a sound downgrade necessarily, since it does some rearrangement and doesn't resemble the original's sounds, but I would say it's chippy enough that you ignore some aspects of the production process. It's very dry, the sounds are more basic than what we typically accept. By that standard, we'll have to pass on this. I think you could probably keep some chiptune elements while making the backing track a little more naturally produced, making some heavy industrial drums or something. It's a fine tune that is outside the scope of what we take.


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