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VSE Classifieds - try http://www.vintagesynth.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=9 and http://www.vintagesynth.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=10

Gearslutz classifieds - http://www.gearslutz.com/board/gearslutz-secondhand-gear-classifieds/

Last but not least: eBay.

Do you have any idea what kind of mess you're getting yourself into?

if you mean were i can buy one then no i dont, i know im kinda late and all these people are saying that the polymoog is dieing, but i would like to find a sale, its not a must tho.


They're heavy and prone to break down. If you find one that's far away, pray that whoever's shipping it doesn't drop it and that it's insured for enough money. If yours arrives broken, have fun finding a service technician who can fix it up again. Either way, it's going to be an expensive adventure.

They're heavy and prone to break down. If you find one that's far away, pray that whoever's shipping it doesn't drop it and that it's insured for enough money. If yours arrives broken, have fun finding a service technician who can fix it up again. Either way, it's going to be an expensive adventure.

i head they brake down easy, but my friends grandfather can fix a synth :P

i would have to hope that and the shippers handel it. and then again im tired of making mono chord patches >:(.



i'm sure there are some people who have a need for this exact sound that software probably can't match exactly yet, but...are you really really one of them?

even without taking the unreliabilities of old analog gear into account, it's a fuckload of money you'll be spending, and there are a lot of cheaper alternatives around, VA or real analog (prophet08 as yoozer mentioned. or juno60 or whatever)

just sayin, if you really worship the moog sound and can't have it any other way, sure, have fun. in any other scenario...it'd be a pretty stupid purchase tbh.

unless you tend to shit gold.


i'm sure there are some people who have a need for this exact sound that software probably can't match exactly yet, but...are you really really one of them?

even without taking the unreliabilities of old analog gear into account, it's a fuckload of money you'll be spending, and there are a lot of cheaper alternatives around, VA or real analog (prophet08 as yoozer mentioned. or juno60 or whatever)

just sayin, if you really worship the moog sound and can't have it any other way, sure, have fun. in any other scenario...it'd be a pretty stupid purchase tbh.

unless you tend to shit gold.

i ♥ Moogs, i think theres a modular power supply at my bud, gramps shop

but im not sure if i should even take the time to get a poly moog ;( even worst save for one :o


I don't think this is as useless of an endeavor as others do, but that said I don't know why you're specifically looking for a Polymoog. If you really want that one then more power to you, but there are a lot of different Moog synthesizers and even more analog ones. Dave Smith just came out with a couple of relatively cheap boxes (Mopho for monophonic and Tetra for polyphonic) as well.

Also, don't be so turned off by monophonic synths. One of the best ways to use monophonic synths in a modern set-up is to create a badass sound then load it up in a sampler, or alternatively just record two/three/whatever number of tracks on it and have each one play a different part of the chord.

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