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Everything posted by Nase

  1. I Remembered This old Essay by squarepusher (excerpt): "As is commonly percieved, the relationship between a human operator and a machine is such that the machine is a tool, an instrument of the composers desires. Implicit in this, and generally unquestioned until recently, is the sovereignty of the composer. What is now becoming clear is that the composer is as much a tool as the tool itself, or even a tool for the machine to manifest its desires. I do not mean this in the sense that machines are in possesion of a mind capable of subtly directing human behaviour, but in the sense that the attributes of the machine are just as prominent an influence in the resulting artefact as the user is; through his work, a human operator brings as much about the machine to light as he does about himself. However, this is not to say that prior to electronic mechanisation, composers were free and unfettered in their creations. As a verbal langauge facilitates and constricts our thoughts, the musical tradition, language and the factors of its realisation(ie instrumentation, limits of physical ability) were just as active participants in the compositional process as the "composer" was. Idealists who believed such constraints were simply obstacles in the composer's way have laboured to relieve us of them, only to reveal that music is in fact contingent on the very existence of these restrictions, and was never a pre-eminent "form". The "modern" composer, robbed of his constraints, finds himself in a wasteland of desolate freedom. The inconsequentiality of new classical music serves to illustrate this point. However, for those who don't seek eternal freedom, help is at hand. Whatever may remain of the older constraints is of little consequence as music is now in the grip of a new restriction, the machine. The machine can be a respite from the meaninglessness of musical freedom. Yet the old tendency to try to unfetter ourselves surfaces: instead of a collaboration, the machine is put at our service. Some of us still flatter ourselves with a certain sort of delusion whereby it is solely our conscious, rational thinking that directs our creations, and is manifest in them. Trying to force a machine to manifest a conscious purpose brings about a stifling and deadening process that only in our time could pass for "creativity". It imposes that the didactic "collaboration" with a machine is a strictly one-way energy channel, from the user to the machine. In this situation, the machine cannot constitute a genuine "oppositional factor" in a dialectical equation as it offers not the antithesis of the conscious human will but rather the negation of it. When being forced to "purpose", all the machine seems to be capable of is resistance. It is not that the machine is a lifeless vacuum that continually absorbs inspiration and ideas from its user, but that the user hinders the collaboration by assuming he is the progenitor of these things in the first place. It is in this trick of perspective, from the humble "it happened" to the questionable "I made it happen" to the disastrous "I can make it happen" that lies the labarynth of paradoxes that is our "modern" world. The problematic relationship between humans and machines stems from the abject remnants of the modernist idea that we can control our fates, perfect ourselves and our surroundings, postpone or eventually eradicate death. (Anyone who is afraid of dying needs salvation, but not as they might say, from death, but in fact from life, and of course a retreat into dogma suits this purpose very well). This view holds that anything can ultimately be made a subject of our conscious will. However, bending something to our conscious will, whether that is a person, a machine, or a situation always manifests a compensatory and contradictory aspect. Something crops up which subverts our will. Yet it is never admitted that such subvertions are simply the corollary of our obsession with conscious direction of our surroundings and thus the idiocy continues. It is in this attitude of blind hectoring that the machine user-artist limits the possibility of transcendence. In this situation, it therefore makes little sense to the user to do anything with the machine other than to try to utterly dominate it, or risk being dictated to by a sterile lump of plastic. Unfortunately, working with any material in a violent and dictatorial way simply produces artefacts of human stupidity, not art. Inevitably, the violence commited by the artist returns to its source. This is why many artists have gone insane, died young, or commited suicide. Although they are viewed as heroic, they are simply the people who have most consistently sensed the fundamentally ambiguous nature of all action and died fundamentally not from suicide or illness, but from despair." Um...idk what This says about A.I. human Interaction precisely. But i think it's food for thought regarding creative man machine Interaction. ("Tools") Good creative man machine Interaction Is achieved by many many feedback loops between man and machine, During which "Happy accidents" pop up. You want those. This concerns synthesizers, Samplers, drum Machines, Mixers, even sequencers... If working With an A.I. in an evolved, mature way can give you similarily elevatory lucky Breaks after some amount of sweat....it's a great Sign. I think the sweat part Is pretty much crucial. "We Work all night to get lucky"
  2. Nase

    Blues yo!

    I Remembered This My Guitar teach's favorite. Rocks so hard. Edit: taucer's Pick with its "Double Down" (Album Title + Song Title) Made me Remember Joe Satriani from '95. So here's a 3+1 quadruple down for yall! :d
  3. Is the sf2 on musical artifacts or so? I've Always liked the idea of single sf2 compos/collabs. I only use FL, so If U use sth else it'd be compo over collab. I Just love using a single soundset, and Maybe we could get Something going on Here This year. A strictly single sf2 competition... Or, a silly megamix single sf2 collabo (in case FL Is the only Sequencer still in use) So probably the compo.
  4. I got This gem Here Found It on a Sampler CD From either NME or RS in '97. I was 11. Holds Up beyond perfectly. Share some blues! Btw, Any blues From games beyond earthbound? I dunno Any. Cheers naze
  5. I'm listening on both JBLs again. Sounds good, But Changes Seem too Minute to me to recognise much of a differenze...it's also Been a while. Can't Help you with mixing. However, i wanna Say that 1:20 still seems really strong to me. There's a real Vibe going. I don't wanna push you, But in case It Happens....These Epic vangelis or JMJ or what have you ambientish vibes, it's a real good juxtaposition against italo sound. Kinda Sounds Like It could be more. Maybe another tune....or this one! Ciao From Nase!
  6. i have to strain it a bit - did a long walk and it's gone. while going spastic to music.
  7. Have a terrible back 2day, and your Tunes motivated me to do a Little dance/gymnastics. Blanka Is My fav methinks. Good wurk!
  8. just sayin how it sounded on that one dude, lol. JBL mid range sounds pretty decent on average. ON AVERAGE! it mostly sounds pretty great and in some cases bad. like, pick a deadmau5 tune and it's gonna sound good. but ofc, your tune ain't like deadmau5, and i'd have to listen to something that's alot like your tune but almost mixed to perfection. for comparison. just take it as a vague feedback that your tune doesn't sound so good on a lower class hifi. too abrasive, extreme highs, doesn't pump well. i just wonder if this typa song can even sound good on a bluetooth thing like that. but if it can, it's good to know that it presently don't...right? my speculation is that this would sound better on a $100 thing if you didn't push the limiter so much. but i am faaar from pro on this stuff. greets josh
  9. I prefer "If you chaNge nothing, youre music Is Wörth nothing". See? I changed One letter and It made all the differenze. (The other letter my scrummy autocorrect did change cuz im German.) Virt would Say the Same.
  10. Listening on a JBL flip5. I'm pretty sure this Sounds good on whatever your listening to. But on this medium range JBL, the highs are overbearing whenever the Electro goes fullon. ...It doesn't sound phat. Maybe it's sidechaining and stuff and this only Sounds great on a good club PA or whatevs youre using. I can do the thinking work that this must sound gr8 on some system, Just alerting you that on a normal JBL It don't work so great. Cheers que, your a very talented musician! I liked your recent Zelda mix too! Just not my forte. But your remix reminded me of Zant pt1-5 and how much i wanna tackle that One...
  11. I couldnt listen to the examples; Just askin: were These kinda Ambient Tunes? BC SM kinda introduced Ambient into VGM, and as much as i love Ambient i think it's one of the First to "Fall"; Ambient with some base melodic themes Is kinda Ez to do Alright. Just sayin.
  12. Sounds so modern :) Ty For all the Musik 20 yrs ago maze, and keep rock in!!! (I honestly gotta listen to your newer stuff sometime. American Album lotsa plays But after that...)
  13. Sounds phat on crappy JBL, i Like this new Intermezzo! You're striking gold methinks! Päd Sounds Amazing and ethnic lead as well!
  14. Wow...i didnt know DW sounded so....Italian. Sounds Like accordion composition on NES. Wanna include an accordion??
  15. Ok, pretty liberal. Yeah i think this can be remixed lotsa ways Like almost any Song, But If you stay Close to the structure of the OG It can be very hard to give It the same Impact Like the original. (0:38 esp ) I Just think It works so well in 8bit and some workarounds are needed to make It awesome in faithful But modern clothing.
  16. Strong Blue rendition! Hey funny synchronicity; In track #10 from by track dump, i think i used the same "CMON" Sample, and it's a Genny track as well - funny!
  17. Dude! Great Feedback! I'm Happy you Like #2 (NPI), because i think it's the strongest of the brunch. Very simple composition, but i Simply havent Heard It B4. #7 i started same day as #6, and wrote a bit Fürther next day. A sorta 3 synths + Drums challenge Thing. Never played cave Story For more than One hour, but your "outer Wall" comment Sounds so mysteriös, i feel Like there's some serious MV quality i missed. Eh, mby this year! I honestly think Out of These 10 Trax #4 belonx in EB! I think the beautiful Thing you say about #10, like the warm coat, that's partly this wonderful MKII EP that i can't play over Here becaus CPU will Just die. New plugin. But the rest Is a beatsliced drumloop and a sega Genesis emu. Hm, i could actually run this here. I could do One single instance of a CPU chewing plug and do the rest lofi. But i tend to not do that 'cause when i set up a system, i try to give It the Instruments It can run easily. It's a bit OCD... You see i'm kinda techy minded RN. FL setup on new PC Is Always techy work!
  18. So cool, Shadow; i vaguely Remembered the same After my Last Post. And wasn't sure If i fantasized that! I think i First played Sonic 2 at my cousin's Place at mby Age 6, on her MS, and then properly played It on my GG Age 7. My dad was Always fascinated by new gizmos and that`s why i could enjoy that colorful, battery sucking gameboy. Yeah i mean the GG version. It was so cool, Like a "drop the bass" Moment in a club i Guess. Even though it's Not the greatest piece looked at in isolation, It fit the game 1000000% Give It a spin on emu It you havent! DJ M: sure!! Show me!
  19. You got It! Exactly. There's such good Plugin stuff from 15 years back, Just gotta make them Shine. And Samples don't rly age...Just gotta use the good soundfonts and, again, Mix em Till they sparkl ;) The Brass Is WIVI and that's really cool Age old physical modelling actually. Runs fine on any netbook today. You gotta do lots of velocity and modwheel microsequencing, but then It Sounds good and different. Glad you Like!
  20. Hey, i'm listening on my crappier €100 speakers again (80-2k Hz). It Sounds good! Good Sign. I Like the intro noise. Maybe a Harder crescendo and a sudden cutoff when the 4 hit would give It more Energy, but idk B4 i Hear It. U Happy with the length? I do feel this could easily be a ~4 min piece, and If you Go the extra Mile/minute with It, work on some Crazy extension whatever It Is...you might Cook up some truly EPIC cheeze. It could be a restructuring with 1 or 2 calmer parts in between mby, or a simple extension If you find a fitting One. It's good as It Is, but maybe you should Double down on this one and make It AWESOME. It's Wörth It!
  21. Thanks! Yeah a bit of funk. It needs a lot moar :) As i Said i couldnt get shit done in my old Place. But enough to remind myself that dark world could be a killer funk piece. Actually tried For an orchestral/funk hybrid 10 years ago...i think i even posted It Here. JEez, 2014 Is a decade ago! Inconceivable!
  22. I am Happy i went full hippie. Else i wouldn't have gotten a decent PPR response. From good old Pretz. I'm on cell, i'll respond over the week. Ftr i love Rogan, lol. But i think he's weak on that One. Starstruck by the Billions. You sound Like Elon, Pretz. I can See where you're coming from i think. Hm. I'll wait until i have a good response. And a keyboard Cu <3 EDIT lol censorship. but i guess it's fair game as it wasn't exactly a "good response". :D I don't trust AI and i think the Data story is a symbol for a very very positive variant of possible outcomes (almost all far worse...) and even then, maybe AI should never get on a level of Data. or Lore. maybe it's just wiser to keep it at Ship Computer level or possibly at Holodeck level, if one is feeling *kinky.* eh adventurous. idk, let's go through it carefully. TNG is a good place to start lightly- right?
  23. just to go full hippie: i dearly hope we grow enough as a species to find these fangled new things boring soon enough and deepen our spiritual bond in a sense that we know doing it ourselves is infinitely superior. as far as personal development. i honestly despise good ol' JRE for jumping on the "hey, can't be avoided" bandwagon (because musk is his buddy/influencer/handler?) just think how many kids will never pick up a pencil because stabul diffushun can do it betta. (not that it necessarily can but it sure will seem like it to any 10 yr old trying for realism.) i think we all need to wake up a bit to accurately portray to non-artists why this whole AI thing is so bad for the arts. or at least, potentially bad. like, i include myself. i don't wanna do a moralistic sermon. i just *feel* how bad this development is but i wanna do some deep thinking to be able to better express why i feel so very bad about this. "hey, can't be avoided someone's gonna build it anyway" is just so cheap and binary. yes they will. but everyone's philosophical stance and how they express it WILL determine how dominant these tools will become in everyday human expression. and how deeply the users will reflect on the usage. ideally, A.I. should be developed, if at all, in a peaceful period where the whole world can come together and do public philosophy over pandora's box. why, do you think, is the diametrical opposite the case? HM.
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