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Well.. This is my first album. I finished it by 2 month, starts in Jan 2009. It was interesting to me to make something like that. I didn't have NET that time, so I had to use only what I had. And I had not so much.. "Amplitube", "Magix Music Maker 2004", "DSound RT player" VST plugs for flange, faser and chorus, and "Adob Audition 1.5" as record and master tool. Also I had no idea about music making..

Any way I just love to write music and play it)

So theres my "ENERGIA"..


Don't be to critic. It is my first project with DRUMS!!!!:mrgreen: And I just started to understand how to play guitar, that moment)

But maybe some day I will recover this album. Cause I still like it. Hope someone like this n00bness too8-)

  • 2 weeks later...

I like this album. You really seemed to blend the drum n bass well with electro and metal in some places. I think as far as production goes, you did a good job of getting that gritty and fast sound of whatever genre this is called. The term escapes me, lol. Garaktaze and Logical really show that off. Sometimes these song sound like they should be in some first person shooting game, lol. The one thing i did notice about your production is that is seems to lack the high end on the EQ sometimes, especially for the guitars. They also seem like they are being played thruogh an old radio. Not too hard to fix, and i've noticed with some of that newer stuff you've been posting that your improving with that sound. You may not beleav me and rumble have great rhythms in them though.

All in all man, its a great album and your guitar playing seems spot on my friend. Looking forward to your next album!!! I just released a new original album of my own if ya wanna check it out. Its in this same forum. :D

BTW, sorry for the insanely looooooong response. :)


Thanks for your time) I'll be honest.. I don't know whats mean "high end" :D As I said before, I'm n00b in music stuff and terminology) Actually I have lot of problems with feedback understanding.. Plus I'm not strong in english. Well lots of problems) But I'm trying to understand.. I also like that therm escapes you) btw.. I don't use EQ on guitars, not on this album, not on any of my later posts. I just can't find it. I'm trying, but cant find! :banghead: Thanks again!!

P.S. "your guitar playing seems spot on my friend"??:smile:

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