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Do you know how to hit pinch harmonics? The JS alien squeal is pretty much just a pinch harmonic on an open string, but you need to find one of the sweet spots for it to actually sound, so just move your pick along the string hitting harmonics until you actually sound one. A good amount of distortion etc. is a given.

For example on my RG 2570 the sweet spot for open pinch harmonics on the the G-string is roughly between the neck and the middle pickup.


Satriani Scream Recipe

You will need:

A guitar.

Some high output pickups.

A large amount of gain on your amp or on your distortion pedals.

A whammy bar (preferably floating tremolo/floyd rose).

A pick.


- Preheat your amp to high gain.

- First try to produce the effect by playing a nutural harmonic at the 5th fret on any string, and pulling your whammy like a mofo. This will probably be a lot lower in pith then a true Satriani scream.

- Master the pinch harmonic. Try it on the low E string first. By rotating the back of your hand to face more towards the guitar as you pick, you cause the string to 'pinch' the side of your thumb immediately after you pick it. You should be able to feel this against your thumb. Keep moving up and down the string and you will find the different notes you can produce by doing so. There are dead spaces that produce nothing at all so move it about if you're stuck.

-Try that shit on the B or G strings and produce a high ass note. You can whammy bar into or out of it for cool effect. It is damn near impossible to do on the high E string consisntently. Not even Satch himself attempts this.

- Advanced satch screamers can produce a pinched harmonic on both the B and G strings with one picking motion. This sound epic when whammied as they change pitch at different rates, producing a nutral flange.

-Add salt and chorus to taste.

(But seriously at what point do you get stuck in the above recipe?)

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