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remixer name: gutzalpus

email: gutzalpus@gmail.com

userid: 2567

game: Chrono Cross

song: Prisoners of Fate

link to submission:

Oops, I just reread the guidelines and noticed that the title must be different from the original song.

please rename my submission to "Sealed by Fate"

(same URL, I will leave the filename as is on the server)




Okay..So there's really nothing wrong with this track. The performance is fine. The reason why I'm hesitant to pass this is that it's....so incredibly generic. We already have dozens of piano remixes that sound just like this. Same arpeggiation, same dynamics, same rhythms. This in particular is too long and meandering. It doesn't have any direction. It sounds like you sat down and played for 8 minutes without planning it out first. I mean, it's impressive in that regard, and it's definitely nice to listen to, but I can't pass this.



I love this source a whole lot, and when I saw this was 8 minutes long, I was dubious initially that you'd be able to keep this interesting for the duration. After a time through the original melody once, there was some good interpretation based on the chord progression with little snippets of melody.

I think the performance and recording are nice, and though the dynamics are very static, it's a relaxing and chill piece. My main concern is that at this length, even with the variation you've added, it feels drawn out. I think either having a wider dynamic range or possibly some editing would be a good plan. You have a lot of good ideas melodically, but paring them down to the best one will keep your arrangement at a manageable length. Right now, to get my vote, it either needs to be shortened, or have the dynamics vary more, to keep it interesting for the duration.

No, please resubmit

  • 2 weeks later...

As mentioned above, there's nothing exactly wrong with the track, but right now it feels a little generic, a little static, and a little drawn out. Some expansion on the dynamics would definitely be an improvement, and I agree that shortening the piece would help keep things from going on for too long. I hope to see this one again.

NO (please resubmit)

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