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FFVII Forested Temple


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Speeeven, Modus, and I are working on this remix. We're all new to this, and we're learning a lot from one another. It's been a fun collab so far :)

Speeeven is working on his orchestral segment, and Modus is having crippling computer problems. As such, this is all we have so far: my chippy, "part A" intro. This will lead into a totally modern, electro-orchestral sort of thing, if all goes well.

This is basically my first crack at remixing, and I think it went pretty well. Let me know what you think, where I can improve, and anything else. Thanks!



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Need more balanced panning and more crazy stuff going on. PWM, FM, 96th note arpeggios (aka tracker/chip chords), whatever.

Not a bad start, tho quite conservative. You could do a really crazy remodeling of the source, using the "wrong" melody for the "wrong" part, play some things twice as fast, etc.. Needs more crazy.

Good source for a collab, it has a base that everyone can rely on (if necessary) and lots of other stuff to play with. :)

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I've got a long way to go with understanding how synths work. I'll definitely check out PWM and FM.

I'll also give it a shot spicing it up and making it a little more my own. Our initial thought was to have a chippy, minimal intro that explodes into a much more complicated modern section right around where the WIP ends now. For my own development with arranging, I'll try complicating things a bit, though we may end up keeping what's here for the final mix to realize our concept.

This may be a stupid question, but what do you mean by balancing the panning? I assume that you're referring to the cross-panning trill. I can't think of anything wrong with it.

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I like the concept. It's never been done before. :D

pwm=pulse width modulation, has to do with changing the shape of the waveform (which at a 50% value is a perfect square wave, not sure how other waveforms would handle it tho) and thus the sound.

fm=frequency modulation, a type of synthesis that sega used for some of their consoles.

balanced panning=means that you have about the same volume and frequencies on both left and right speakers. If you have hihat on the right, have a ride or shaker on the left; if you have a rhythm guitar on the right, have another on the left. If you have one high-range synth on the right, have something to balance it on the left.

I don't mind stuff jumping from one speaker to another and stuff like that, it's a cool effect if you use it well. The stuff that doesn't move, tho, they need to be balanced.

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