djpretzel Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Hey there, plz rename the mp3 file accordingly , tho I did fill out the ID2 tags, just comcast doesnt allow certain filenames for some reason INfo ------ DJ BorderHopper Stephan Santos Remix Info -------------- SimCity 'Fired' Composer: Hiroki Kikuta(?), SNES Just noticed you guys took off the only simcity remix on the site, well HAD to do this song at least to get it back up there . I originally liked this short loop from the simcity game and was just curious as to what it'd sound like with a beat over it. Lo and Behold I'd be making an enitre song around it, but I think it seems to work pretty well. Some lyrics also dropped by yours truly straight from Dupont , WA.Hope this is the first of many remixes I'll be sending. P.S. when putting the pic up on the site for the simcity game, plz use this pic, think it was the same one as last time, but just wanted to make sure cuz this one looks kewl , peace... -DJ BorderHopper
Vig Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 the groove is pretty cool. this could be really good, but there are some production issues, the vox should be compressed and turned up. i cant hear them well. other than that, i think it should be longer, go into a solo or something, write a chorus, etc. close, but not yet. NO
Liontamer Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 - "Fired" (sc-14.spc) & "Metropolis" (sc-10.spc) You have a 1:03-long intro for a 2:43-long mix. The whole idea has likely gotta be longer/more fleshed out to deserve such a long intro, but I'll give you credit; I liked how your sounds came together a lot. Low-fi/purposefully thin/whatever you'd call it (someone give me the right word), they worked. The sitar & sound effects sounded nice as additions, even if the "Fired" beat was verbatim for a while. The arrangement on it was pretty straight, but you hear some subtle changes in the beat as well alterations in how prominent other elements are once the lyrics kicked in. 1:55 was where the most prominent rearrangement came in, as what sounded like rearrangement from part of the first 20 seconds of "Metropolis" came in on top of the beats. The groove was minimalist, but I really enjoyed what you have in place so far. Definitely work on boosting the levels of the lyrics, Stephan. Though I'm safely assuming you're Latino, the lyrical delivery actually reminded me of white dirty south rappers like the Icy Hot Stuntaz, and I DO mean that as a compliment actually, because they were pretty fucking good. Vig's suggestions are pretty solid. Again, get the volume of the lyrics up and make sure the delivery and occasional layering flows well if you rerecord anything. Try to add another verse in here over differently structured/rearranged beats, add a lyrical chorus over your musical one; anything at all that will help give more depth to what's really promising but noticeably underdeveloped so far. Really wanna see this make it, frankly. What the fuck do you people want? I'm half black. You know how we do. NO (refine & resubmit)
Israfel Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 The atmosphere created by the opening moments remains, in my mind, as the strongest element of this mix. The street ambience coupled with some light synth dabblings creates a playful, yet at the same time a somewhat gritty, mood that works well to set up the piece. When the piece proper comes in however, the promise of the intro isn't quite fulfiled. The bass notes that enter have a muffled quality- almost as if they were recorded underwater. This becomes less bothersome as more elements of the mix make their appearance and the bass in turn loses its prominence. The organ sound is overly cheesy and is grossly out of place with the rest of the mix, and while no great sin was committed with the percussion, it adds little to the overall sound and the snare in particular is perhaps a bit anemic. With the rapping element we get to something which I'm not entirely comfortable commenting on, it being a type of music that I don't listen to regularly. So if these observations are useful, all the better, otherwise don't hesitate to disregard them. It seems that at times you want to rush the rhythms of the rap, particularly when there is a long string of words. More rhythmic clarity might also give the mix more energy and "punch" which I feel is lacking from the rap section. There are instances as well where the words are spoken so quickly and run together such as to make them entirely uncomprehensible - 1:10 for example. In its current state, I feel that the mix has some promise, and is certainly not a lost cause, but at this time I don't think that I can give it a pass. NO
Liontamer Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 With the rapping element we get to something which I'm not entirely comfortable commenting on, it being a type of music that I don't listen to regularly. So if these observations are useful, all the better, otherwise don't hesitate to disregard them.It seems that at times you want to rush the rhythms of the rap, particularly when there is a long string of words. More rhythmic clarity might also give the mix more energy and "punch" which I feel is lacking from the rap section. There are instances as well where the words are spoken so quickly and run together such as to them entirely uncomprehensible - 1:10 for example. I think Mike meant to say that these are truly some icy hot flowz.
GrayLightning Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 With the rapping element we get to something which I'm not entirely comfortable commenting on, it being a type of music that I don't listen to regularly. So if these observations are useful, all the better, otherwise don't hesitate to disregard them.It seems that at times you want to rush the rhythms of the rap, particularly when there is a long string of words. More rhythmic clarity might also give the mix more energy and "punch" which I feel is lacking from the rap section. There are instances as well where the words are spoken so quickly and run together such as to them entirely uncomprehensible - 1:10 for example. I think Mike meant to say that these are truly some icy hot flowz. Or in liontamer speak "There's some hot shit there aight; no doubt bro." Reference material: OCR Comic #4
GrayLightning Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 I hate it when other judges cover the exact same things I'm feeling on a mix. I played this in my youth so the arrangement came across for me quite well. I did like the style of the arrangement. The execution on the other hand I thought was not handled as gracefully as it could have been. For one, the vocals seem to be drowned with everything else. I would make that louder and boost the eq on that for both clarity and presence. More eq work on the entire mix is also needed in my opinion. I feel the treble areas are lacking a bit, also perhaps rolling off somewhere in the 300-800 hz region would balance out the mix more. Needs more work, but as already mentioned this shows a lot of promise. I hope you consider reworking this for a resubmission. NO, for now.
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