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*NO* Metroid Prime 3 'Entranced Amidst Thorns'


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Remix: Skyggesang - Entranced Amidst Thorns

ReMixer name: Skyggesang

Real name: Alex Melching

Website: www.myspace.com/skyggesang

User ID: 32069

Name of game arranged: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Name of individual song arranged: Bryyo

File format: mp3, 196 kpbs, 44100 Hz stereo, 6,32 MB hard disk space

Track length: 04:36


First of all, unrelated to this remix, I would like to thank the judges for giving me very useful feedback on "Frozen Swamp". I will start working to improve the track soon and resubmit it.

"Frozen Swamp", I felt, was too hastily put together. I still really like the idea and atmosphere (I won't change much on overall composition), but productivewise, it wasn't good. For "Entranced Amidst Thorns", I took way more time finding good sounds, tweaking them, and mixing the song. Volumes for a lot of instruments and drum sounds were individually changed for each section of the song. I also learned a lot more about my arrangement program and thus played around with some effects.

Lately, I've been into trance music a lot. Mostly the old stuff, but when I started goofing around in my arrangement program, I found it more fun to make more eurotrance-ish stuff myself. Hence, "Entranced Amidst Thorns" is a more modern trance song to the core. When put alongside your average trance songs (those unrelated to game soundtrack, that is), it's nothing very original. But this is a remix.

I took to heart the advice to be more daring with the source material in my compositions, and so I simply used the four main melodies in the source. They're there, but the rest of the song is completely unrelated. I added my own loops and some melodies and, of course, a different scale which I thought suited trance more.

The title of this track is taken from the fact that Bryyo is a planet full of rich wildlife. One part of Bryyo is called "thorn" jungle. Though the song played in that area is different than the song I used as source material, I still found this to be a suitable part of the song's name. As for the "entranced" bit, well... that's obvious.

Source melodies:

01:05 to 01:31 - 1st source melody (after intro section; trance lead + choir pad in the background)

01:43 to 02:09 - 2nd source melody (breakdown section; trance lead with effects)

02:12 to 02:38 - 2nd souce melody (main section 1; trance lead)

02:38 to 03:03 - 2nd + 3rd source melody (main section 1; trance lead (2nd melody), piano (3rd melody))

03:16 to 03:29 - 4th source melody (interlude section; strings in the background)

03:29 to 03:55 - 1st + 3rd source melody (main section 2; piano (3rd melody), choir in the background (1st melody))

03:55 to 04:20 - 1st + 3rd source melody (main section 2; piano + trance lead (3rd melody), choir in the background (1st melody))



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This was very difficult to wrap my head around, sourcewise, since it is such a departure from the original. There is a ton of interpretation (maybe too much, in some cases), but after listening to the source track until I had it memorized, and the helpful breakdown provided, I was able to sus out that the main melodies were present throughout. I do think a section that featured the melody and original chord progression just for a bit would help ground the source in the listener's ear though.

Production was definitely a step up from your previous work, but still was a little generic. I think as you learn your software you'll come more into your own, as you are already making good progress. :-)

It's really close for me, but I think this is just below the bar. You are definitely making gains though, and I think with a little more work, this would go over for me.

No, please resubmit

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Going to have to agree with Andrew here; there are times where it's a bit too difficult to pick out the source in this, but I do like that you've worked on adding your own spin and interpretation to the melodies. I think you've got a good handle on how to arrange, now you just need to pull it back a little.

As Andrew said, things are really on the right track, but the production and sounds are a little generic, and that combined with the source being a little too well hidden is putting this one just a little below where it needs to be. I think you can pull this one up and I'll look forward to hearing it again.

NO (please resubmit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll go contrary to my fine fellow judges and say I liked the arrangement. The source melodies aren't too prominent in the original and as such, the connection isn't obvious. I thought it was strong enough however, and I was able to feel the tie. I will agree with them in that the production is generic, and there were some issues too.

The snare was not good, it sounded like a low quality sample. The sequencing on the harp synth and especially the piano wasn't cutting it - that sequencing needs to be a lot more subtle to contrast the rigidness of the rest of the track. The repeated cymbals weren't working for me, and the ending also got a little too overlay happy. I know it's hard to resist the temptation to overlay different melodies, but it made that section lose focus because there were too many competing elements. A lesser concern was that some elements were a little dry and some delay on those might have been nice.

Good start, but I think the production needs to improve. I guess including more source wouldn't hurt since you've got two people telling you that as well.

NO (resubmit)

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