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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Time Fusion'


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Song Title: Time Fusion

ReMixer: Robin Salonen

Real name: Robin Salonen

Email: robin.salonen@gmail.com

website: www.robinsalonen.com

userID: 38303

Game arranged: Chrono Trigger

Name of song: Main theme

Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIO1sajyx_o

Starting out by saying that this is my first ever remix, but I'm still quite happy with it and decided to submit to OCR to see if it meets your standards, and if not I have learned something valuable and what to think of next time I have something to share.

Inspired by the works of remixer Joshua Morse I wanted to create something in a similar Jazz-fusion / funk style. It was the first time I did something in this style aswell which was a bit of a challange.

I'm aware this is a track remixed many many times before, but I still like the theme alot and wanted to create my own version of it.

Composed and mixed using Cubase.

I hope you enjoy it!

Best regards,



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This brings to mind the opening of Brink of Time, which has a fantastic funk jazz arrangement of this theme. I like a lot of what you're doing here, especially the bass line, which is pretty awesome. There are a couple issues overall, however. The arrangement does have some moments of expansion on the main theme, especially the intro, but once the sax starts out, things kind of go on autopilot to the source in terms of structure and overall arrangement. There's some great opportunity for solos, and from what I'm hearing from the intro, I think you can really change some stuff around no problem and really have some fun with this.

You really need to get the drum off the same loop for most of the track, it's really killing the energy! Again, have some fun with it, and let the drums really compliment the arrangement.

The sounds are pretty good overall, although the bass drum could use a tad more oomph, and the snare a little more kick. Balance is pretty good overall.

To me, I think this is close, but I really want to see you relook at some of the elements and bring this one alive.

NO (please resubmit)

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For such a good bass line, I wish the sample was slightly better; It works well enough, but is just a little too static. Props on the writing for the bass though.

The intro started out with a lot of promise, but as Deia mentioned, once it hit the main melody with the sax (which also could stand for a sample upgrade or perhaps a collab with a live player), it did go into autopilot territory for a long stretch of time. Pretty much until the ending, which while brief, was also nicely personalized.

This is as prime resub candidate. It shows a lot of promise, but just needs a bit of polish to get it past. I recommend taking some more dramatic liberties with the melody, in addition to trying to improve the sound of the bass and drums. Overall i'm excited about this one though, I hope you take the time to revisit it. :-)

no, please resubmit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very much liking the JM mood here, but the autopilot drums are so disappointing. This could have used some more significant changes in patterns, and also some subtle variation in volume. I thought the leads had some cool moments and the sequencing there was pretty good. Samples could be better all around, especially the snare, which had no crispness. I agree that this is a good resub candidate, there's some great expansion going on here.

NO (resubmit)

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