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I'm not really a fan of dubstep and thus havent really tried making a synth like that, but I would say that it's an FM synth with the Low pass filter cut-off controlled by an LFO. Then it's simply a case of increasing and decreasing the LFO rate to get that changing speed tremelo(ish) feel.


I tried making a dubstep synth and got some

, but different, results.

here's my method:

1. start with a basic saw waveform

2. duplicate and detune it several times (ie 8 oscilators, each slightly more detuned than the last)

3. filter sweep like crazy (make sure you have a decent amount of rez applied as well)

4. add distortion

there is probably a better way. ;)

an FM synth
This would probably help get a beefier sound.
I tried making a dubstep synth and got some
, but different, results.

here's my method:

1. start with a basic saw waveform

2. duplicate and detune it several times (ie 8 oscilators, each slightly more detuned than the last)

3. filter sweep like crazy (make sure you have a decent amount of rez applied as well)

4. add distortion

there is probably a better way. ;)

This would probably help get a beefier sound.

I'm not really a fan of dubstep and thus havent really tried making a synth like that, but I would say that it's an FM synth with the Low pass filter cut-off controlled by an LFO. Then it's simply a case of increasing and decreasing the LFO rate to get that changing speed tremelo(ish) feel.

yah it sounds like saws are recursivly modulated. i think he used Toxic synth,sytrus oe a analog modular synth to do fm synthing cause a normal fm synth does not have a filter cutoff i think.

i will experiment

Thats the JunkYard waveform from Massive. Its very common. Just get Massive and you'll quickly notice it.

whoh, i almost figered out how to do it in Bio Toxic..... i wish you posted this earlyer but what the massive wave for called, just junkYard?

Edit, im not close anymore, i made a fm wobble. but still is it call the JunkYard waveform in the ocilators?

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