OceansAndrew Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 Remixer Name: King (Not previously established, if this is taken already let me know I will come up with something else but it seems safe at the moment) Real Name: Phil King Email: phil.king.83@gmail.com Website: n/a UserID: 41174 Name of Game Arranged: Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun Name of Song Arranged: The credit music for the game, I've named it "A Fitting End" for my remix Game Info: D&D RPG Released on the Genesis in 1992. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons:_Warriors_of_the_Eternal_Sun ) Which composer of the 3 did this I don't know, but composers were: Paul Mudra, Frank Klepacki, Dwight Okahara ( http://project2612.org/details.php?id=571 ) Info source Original Soundtrack: Can be acquired from the link above in vgz format, but I have hosted it on Youtube already for convenience Comments: This game had some of the best "metal style" midi music I have heard in any game from that era. I was younger at the time but I imagine it had a heavy subtle hand in my preference for extreme metal song writing as I got older. As a tribute I have started to remix a lot of the tracks from the game by ear, and recreating it with a little flare with guitars/bass/drums relatively closely. I made it by using a program called Audio Overload to play back the .vgz ripped files found on the site linked above. Then I output it as a wav file, and imported it to cubase. From there I dissected the parts by ear and recreated them using a guitar and bass with left/right/lead channels. This song is actually played in drop A tuning. Yes drop A... Tune a 6 string to B Standard and then drop B a step to A E A D Gb B. Strings are very thick for tone as this is not a 7 string arrangement, .13's with the lows around .53 or so. All recording was done digitally through a POD 2.0 straight into a lambda external sound card. I have multiple remixes for this game, around 7, but this is the cleanest at the moment and the first submission. The others can be heard in there current state from my user channel on Youtube, username KingOfKings8325
OceansAndrew Posted January 6, 2011 Author Posted January 6, 2011 Pretty good source that suits itself well to metal, good choice. I think the bass performance could be a little tighter overall; there are a few instances where it isn't completely locked in, especially at the beginning where it is more exposed. The rhythm guitars are good, and the drums are well programmed. Some of the lead playing is a bit timid compared to the other performances, but it works well enough. The arrangement plays it close to the source, but with a solid expansion and a super heavy sound. Nice expansion overall though. Production is decent but not mind blowing, the frequencies get a bit messy in the low mids and bleed on each other quite a bit, and since things are so muddy, it prevents the drums from being as punchy as they should be. The guitar tone is good, though the bass could be a little more bottom heavy; just a preference thing. I think the concept and overall execution of this are sound, but the production needs to be cleaned up a little bit for it to really shine. I'd cut the EQ around 250hz for the rhythm guitars, and take it from there, to give the drums enough room to breathe. THis is very close, just needs a tiny bit of TLC to finish it up. No, please resubmit
DragonAvenger Posted January 23, 2011 Posted January 23, 2011 Andrew's pretty much nailed this in a way I couldn't explain. You've brought the source very comfortably into the metal genre, and while it's close to the source, there is some expansion and flair that makes it unique. I'd like a tad more bass presence to give this a more solid bass, but right now the production is what is really holding it back, especially the bleed between things that is making it overall messy. Clean it up, and I think it's there. NO (resubmit)
Palpable Posted March 2, 2011 Posted March 2, 2011 While the playing and sequencing were solid, I didn't feel like this did much more than adapt the song to a metal style. The guitar and bass parts follow the song very closely, until near the 3:00 mark, when you added some original soloing. I would have liked to see a little more departure than that. The mixing was also somewhat rough on this, with the rhythm guitars too high in the mix and eating up a lot of the space. I thought this was cool, but only a base, not a finished product. NO
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