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Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: NashX

Your real name: Nash Sibanda

Your email address: nashx90@gmail.com

Your website: abitofnash.blogspot.com

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 20437

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy X

Name of individual song(s) arranged: People Of The North Pole

Your own comments about the mix:

Essentially I was hoping to experiment in drum n' bass and ambient music, two genres that have long fascinated me; I think that the best way of expressing your love for a kind of music is to make your own. At the same time, I had an old piano arrangement of POTNP that I'd been meaning to submit for, literally, years. As such, I collided these two strands together and came up with something which works. Made in Reason 5, with some sequencing done many moons ago on Sibelius 4.

Much obliged,

Nash "NashX" Sibanda



  • 2 weeks later...

I love this original.

The piano is incredibly mechanical but it's done tastefully, as an effect. I think it goes on a bit too long on its own. I like the textures and the ideas introduced, but here you have a rather short remix with very little in the way of dynamic changes. I'd like to hear this either expanded or kept at this length, but with more efficient use of the time. Jumping around in the track doesn't really give you different sounds.



I'm hoping it's not my speakers/headphones, but I'm hearing a lot of static in the intro. Can someone confirm?

This was not something I would have expected to hear from this source, and it was really cool to listen to. The overall treatment of the source is unique, although I feel at times the source itself gets marginalized behind all the other stuff going on. I'd like it to be brought up to be just a tad more prominent at times. Also, as Jesse said, overall this either runs a little short, or could be a little more focused to really make this effective. The ending isn't really doing it for me either; it's very sudden.

As Jesse mentioned, there are a lot of mechanical instruments, namely the piano in the beginning, but it really works for the track, and I have no problem with them. Once things get going, I feel like the balance is off here and there where more background parts are getting too much focus. A balance adjustment would help this out.

Unique take on this theme, I'd like to see it fixed up.

NO (please resubmit)


This is really fresh and cool sounding. I love the treatment and ideas here, and literally can't stop listening to this track. Awesome work, I love it. Unfortunately, I gotta agree with the other judges and say that the mix isn't quite there in terms of production. There is a very slight static when things are more exposed, and i think a touch too much reverb on the drums. I think a brief section where the beat hits a half time, and the melody is drawn out a bit would be beautiful, and the song is good enough that it definitely needs a better ending. I mean, everything else is so good, it deserves to go out in style. The mechanical piano could be improved,but it's not enough to hold itself back as is.

A few minor revisions and this is going to be really really nice

No, please resubmit

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