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stats.png - WIP

Heya guys, been awhile since I've been around. But I'm back with a new track at least! Real quick, the idea behind this track was to create something similar to John Murphy's infamous track from the movie "28 Days Later." I love that track...a lot. ._.

Either way, I know I have some balancing and EQ issues. My main thing I'm really wanting to know about, is if the drums fit in this. Of course, you're welcome to point out anything else if you like, constructive criticism is ALWAYS good. :P

Right-o, I hope you guys can enjoy this at least. Keep it classy peoples.


stats.png - Finished

BOSS FIIIIIIIIGHT! Seeteufel is a Bonne Mecha design that was made for the "Bonne Mecha Event" for the MML3 Project. If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, go check out www.capcom-unity.com and look for the MML3 Dev Room. :3

Either way, I had no real direction with this. The boss fight is a little hectic as there is water constantly rising while you're having to fight Tron. I just kinda started writing and ended up with this. Lemme know what you gives think, eh? ^_^


Rebooting - Good start but it's my personal taste to get rid of those off key chords/notes (I know their intentional, but it makes the track sound a little too military. Just a personal preference.) The drums fit in well though.

Boss Fight - Rather weak, but I'm used to epic boss fight music ala Metroid Prime. Your track, although a nice listen, would be far better suited as a title screen of some sort. I suppose you could modify it, but you'd need to add in some darker chords, some sharper drums, and harder hitting instruments.

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