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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA & SNES) 'Canopy Crawl'

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Remix title: Canopy Crawl

Remix mirror: http://tindeck.com/listen/wfms

Contact Information

ReMixer name: evory, gintokipianist

Real name: Jeremy Ng, Tom Egan

Email: jeremyngyd@hotmail.com, gintokipianist@hotmail.co.uk

User ID: 31417, 41307

Submission Information

Game arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

Song arranged: Jungle Jitters

Source: [GBA]

and a little bit of [sNES]

Additional information

Tom: This piece seemed to me to be a study on different genres/musical styles with this in mind frequent tempo and dynamic changes are were used to animate the piece.

Jeremy: Well I guess that's a nice way of saying it's sorely schizophrenic. Anyway, I orginally set out to write a Baroque piece, but gave up after the first 4 measures or so. I left them in there anyway, and the nature of the source turned the mix into something vaguely sounding like jazz (to me at least, I've hardly listened to, let alone played, jazz music other than piano exam pieces my teacher forced upon me). Tom then somehow managed to perform the piece in the space of two days or so (and amazingly so), and made a few improvements to it along the way as well. And so this materialised.



  • 2 weeks later...

The arrangement you have has a lot of cool things going on, but as you said, it's a little hectic, and doesn't really feel cohesive at times. A lot of it is really good, but I'd like to see some adjustment so that things overall flow a bit better.

The opening sounds very mechanical; I know it's going for the baroque style, but I honestly would not have thought someone played this vs. it being programmed based on the intro. The sample used isn't really going to cut it for a solo piano mix. I also would like to see a little more use of dynamics to bring out some parts and pull back some others.

A lot of the arrangement is quite fun to listen to, but it needs to flow together a little better, and the sampling/playing has some improvements needed.

NO (resubmit)


I agree with Deia generally, in that there are some shades of dynamics, but i'd love to hear a wider range. The piano sample is a little on the weak side as well, and something with more warmth to it would really suit this better. I think what really makes this feel extra mechanical is the hand strength used; the left hand is pounding away and overpowering the right hand, making the melody difficult to hear at times. There are some really nice moments throughout, which does get this closer to the bar, but I think it just falls short, based on the piano sample, and some of the over quantization.

I think it'd be a pretty easy resub, however, so please spruce it up and send it back. :-)

No, please resubmit

  • 1 month later...

To my ears, it's the sample that's bringing this down. It definitely doesn't have the realism required for a solo piano piece. The playing sounded too even volume-wise, and I don't know if you guys overquantized or maybe it's the piano sample, but it could use more dynamic range. The arrangement was a little ragtag, but alright. With a solid execution, it would probably be ok. Work on the production aspects to seal the deal. I liked much of what was going on in this song.

NO (resubmit)

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