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BPM Problems....

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K, In the spring me and a bandmate are gonna make this killer Kamelot style Symphonic/metal cover of This song

Got a lot of great ideas and all for it. Even have just the vocal track......but I can't figure out the bpm. I thought it was like 132 but that didn't work. I put in a basic drum beat with the vocals and it didn't fit....

Can anyone with superior counting skills tell me the BPM? Any other ideas as for what we should do to the song?

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Try 133 or 134, or, if possible, something in between. Some DAWs let you do that.

Tho if you've got drums playing synced to a tempo you can just set it to something close and increase or decrease the tempo when you notice the drums racing ahead or falling behind. Might be better to use a single click-like sound than an actual drum loop (even if it's midi) so you don't get distracted by the snare being in the wrong place.

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Try 133 or 134, or, if possible, something in between. Some DAWs let you do that.

Tho if you've got drums playing synced to a tempo you can just set it to something close and increase or decrease the tempo when you notice the drums racing ahead or falling behind. Might be better to use a single click-like sound than an actual drum loop (even if it's midi) so you don't get distracted by the snare being in the wrong place.

The Prophet Rozovian speaks!

I shall experiment till I find it I suppose. Any ideas as for what else we could do to make this song totally bitchin?

So far the ideas we have floating around for it are

A mix between electronic drums and real ones

Real bass guitar & electronic bass

Metal rhythm with more variety than the original

Strings, brass, and choir to give that symphonic touch

Solo duels between me, another guitar player and keyboardist

some original riffs and melodies.

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try 132.56 bpm, 133.42, or 133

altho synching will be weird as a caution.

I'm havin' some serious issues here lol

The main issue I think is actually.......I have the acapella track. I put down a simple kick beat on every quarter note. I try to sync it up but here's thing which I think *might* be the issue. See, she takes a breath before she actually hits the first note of the song. There appears to be two bars leading up to the actual verse, with the breath happening at the tail end of the second bar. I notice, into the actual beginning of the tune.....I still have the breath in there. Throwing it off beat. I do believe the song is 133 though.

Despite slicing it up, I can seem to get the breath into the right spot.....hmmm.

EDIT: No I think still got the BPM wrong.......damn

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I'm havin' some serious issues here lol

The main issue I think is actually.......I have the acapella track. I put down a simple kick beat on every quarter note. I try to sync it up but here's thing which I think *might* be the issue. See, she takes a breath before she actually hits the first note of the song. There appears to be two bars leading up to the actual verse, with the breath happening at the tail end of the second bar. I notice, into the actual beginning of the tune.....I still have the breath in there. Throwing it off beat. I do believe the song is 133 though.

Despite slicing it up, I can seem to get the breath into the right spot.....hmmm.

EDIT: No I think still got the BPM wrong.......damn

EDIT STUpidiTY SUBSIDS XD. one sec i can give you a bpm, this is generic house bpm around 131, but on sec

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K, In the spring me and a bandmate are gonna make this killer Kamelot style Symphonic/metal cover of This song

Got a lot of great ideas and all for it. Even have just the vocal track......but I can't figure out the bpm. I thought it was like 132 but that didn't work. I put in a basic drum beat with the vocals and it didn't fit....

Can anyone with superior counting skills tell me the BPM? Any other ideas as for what we should do to the song?

the bpm is 132.05 BPM,song is in A#, if you shoot files at me, i can sync you files

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the bpm is 132.05 BPM,song is in A#, if you shoot files at me, i can sync you files

Aye, I already knew the key and how to play it. Thank you for figuring out the BPM good sir or madam. You know, I've only been on this site a few weeks and you've saved my ass several times lol

I'll PM ya and see how to send ya the files.

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Aye, I already knew the key and how to play it. Thank you for figuring out the BPM good sir or madam. You know, I've only been on this site a few weeks and you've saved my ass several times lol

I'll PM ya and see how to send ya the files.

im making a demo of this song, you may have to cut to get the initial some, theres space in the beginning of the track

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I just sent you a pm.....I can give you the acapella I have of it. It's the official one even!

Yeah so Basically just 2 bars in, cut out the damn breath and boom ya got it right?


Let us see who can make the superior Selena Gomez mix......muahahahaha

I gotta wait till the snow here melts before I can do my metal one......hmm maybe I'll make an electronic one too.

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I just sent you a pm.....I can give you the acapella I have of it. It's the official one even!

Yeah so Basically just 2 bars in, cut out the damn breath and boom ya got it right?


Let us see who can make the superior Selena Gomez mix......muahahahaha

I gotta wait till the snow here melts before I can do my metal one......hmm maybe I'll make an electronic one too.

lol i was using a new wavetable synth, thats one reason i made this demo XD.

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Okay this OcRemix user sent me a click super imposed over the song.

It changes between 132 and 133.5 now I just gotta get the tempo changes right and it should be good. So far it seems to be coming along.

I'm gonna make this remix so killer, Chuck Norris will play it with his windows rolled down in traffic...and still be JUST as a bad ass.

Thanks a million you all

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