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K k now im confused

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Make a remixe Sourcy (what I want to do)


Make a remix Slightly Sourcy (what im doing now)

If someone could tell me how much source to add to a remix because of the confusing as hell rules at the submission guide, maybe i would make my other tracks more obvious with MUCH more source then making making a remix with source well hidden for only people who know the original source well can tell.:shock:

I mean i see things posted that sound nothing like the source(not even the rhythm), to things that sound live direct covers with the same instuments and thats where im thrown off.

PLEASE someone clarify:-x

(Yes I Mad Yo! lol)

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The short answer is that you shouldn't worry about it.

The long answer is that the track you make should have elements easily recognized by listeners who know the source tune. At the same time, there should be variations or parts that are brand new to any listener. The important thing is that the transition between these two extremes is natural and unforced.

If you try to shoehorn original parts in between sourced sequences, people might be able to tell.

Make the song your own, but keep in mind that you are paying homage to a particular source tune that inspired you.

You definitely don't want to make the source too well-hidden, as that defeats the purpose of a remix.

If you need hard numbers, I'd say 60-70% source and 30-40% original, with the source having small modifications of your own but still being easily recognizable.

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My answer is that you perhaps shouldn't start from a copy of the source and make it more song-y, you should start from a new rhythm, chord progression, an alteration of the source or an original song where the source fits in. When you do need to add source, don't copy the arrangement of the original, add it to your arrangement differently. Use a part of the bassline in the lead, or vice versa. Use the drum rhythm on the bassline or on a gated synth. Play another part of the lead melody as backing. Stuff like that.

If you need hard numbers, I'd say 60-70% source and 30-40% original, with the source having small modifications of your own but still being easily recognizable.

Just don't do 100% source, that's way too liberal. (yes, Js, I'm still a bit annoyed by this)

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