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*NO* Sonic Spinball 'Cluck Alert!'


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Your ReMixer name: Psyguy

Your real name: Bryon Beaubien

Your email address: psyguy@gmail.com

Your website: http://fireball20xl.com/music/

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 33765

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic Spinball

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Cluck Alert!

Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if

it has not yet been added to the site)

Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound

archives already available on the site):

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind

it, how it was made, etc:

Sonic Spinball kicked my ass as a kid. 3 lives. No continues. So, I

ended up listening to Toxic Caves a lot. Recently (relatively), Sega

put Spinball on the iPhone. Once again I was jamming away to Toxic

Caves. I thought this would be a fun song to remix. Turns out, this

song was extremely difficult for me to get behind. It has kind of the

same beat over and over so making it interesting was somewhat of a

pain. Nevertheless, I put my hammer to the anvil and crafted something

I'm satisfied with. I hope the same can be said for everybody else.

Later days,



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  • 2 weeks later...

There are some fun moments in here, but right away i'm noticing a lot of production issues. A lot of the track feels very overcrowded, and it's tough to know what to really focus on. The overall levels aren't working with each other, and they're all competing for space. Along with that a lot of the different synths/instruments feel muddy and indistinct; the guitar most especially.

You've got a neat start on the arrangement, specifically with you're opening motif, but it starts to get overrused after a while. I'd like you to break it up with some different sections to give our ears a break from the same idea. There are a few sections where the notes aren't quite fitting together as well as they should. Be careful to check that things are matching up. Overall I'd like to see a lot more expansion on the source, and for you to look for ways to cut down on the repetitiveness.

Overall the sound effects aren't really fitting into the track well, I think you'd be better off without them. Also, the ending tag seems out of nowhere.

You've got a start here, but there's a lot of work to be done. I'd suggest hitting up our WIP forums for some more feedback.


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Okay, i'm going to do this run-on style....so the synthesizers you use are all pretty cool sounding, but you jump around too much; there's no consistency in the textures, so the sound doesn't feel cohesive. The one you put reverb on is waaay out front. The balance is way off. The guitars are dull; bring up the high-mids. The sound effects are jarring. Might be better if they were down in the mix. The groove never changes, and why is the snare/clap panned right? 2:50 in, why is this still going? I've already heard 3 repeats. That's way too many for not being 3 minutes into the thing. Did you copy and paste this track three times? you need some variation in the arrangement.

Sorry to be glib. Bring it to the WIP forum and see if you can't build your chops a bit.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It starts out good immediately, but it does even up having too many unrelated textures fighting for limited space, and the guitar is the worst offender, missing some frequencies to be really audible, and taking up a lot of bandwidth in the process.

A bit of trimming would also be good, focusing the arrangement. It sounds like you have plenty of ideas, you just need to pick the best ones and run with them, as opposed to trying to add every spice into your soup.

Keep at it!

No, please resubmit

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