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Email sub, Danbo - Memory of the sky.mp3 - no idea on what game it's from, really, but Danbo sent it in (?? [danboliu@tom.com]) - djp

My remix work for the game


博客 TOM贺卡站:精美的新年专题贺卡!

激情你我 未婚禁入 男欢女爱 北京人家 上海宝贝 人到中年 缘份天空 更多

劲歌、金曲,流行、怀旧 免费随你点!!!

让大家告诉大家 免费获得收费邮箱 最后4天


Can't decipher what this is from based on his website that I found. I've contacted the artist. Hope to get a reply...in English.

EDIT - 2/28: Contacted the artist a week ago by e-mail and got nothing in reply. You have to be able to adequately provide the artist, game and track information in your e-mail. The track wouldn't have passed regardless, just in case anyone was wondering.

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