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*NO* Spyro the Dragon 'The Amazing Analog Funk Machine'


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Game: Spyro the Dragon

Tracks Arranged: Opening Theme

Remix Title: The amazing analog funk machine

Remixer: Sir_NutS

Well, it's been a long time. This is going to be kind of a long writing, so if you get bored, there's a tl:dr and the end :).

It's been years since my last submission! but what I am submitting now is not really recent. In fact it's several years old, so i don't know how it will fare since I've been so removed from the community that I can't really tell if the bar has been raised again or something.

Not that I think this remix is bad, I wouldn't be bothering sending it if I thought it was cool. I decided I will submit the last few remixes I worked on for submission before real life called and said I should spend more time with her than with my hobbies. I don't think I will be working as hard as I used to on my music, but there are still some songs I made back then that I still want to share.

SO! about the song: The original spyro soundtrack was made by Stewart Copeland, and that already sets the challenge of doing something of at least the quality of the original song. The original was pretty funky, so I decided to go along that line, but make it more of a groovy-funky-kinda retro... thing. Something centered around just a few motifs, and build up from there. The primary goal with this was to get a really catchy rhythm and go along with that, but never make the song feel like going on autopilot by adding several variations, while also infusing it with more electronic sounds. Maybe some of the old judges remember my love for filters and it shows here in the synths I am constantly tweaking.

Oh yeah and it's not any kind of boomtiss.

tl:dr: Funky electro stuff. Clap your hands and Enjoy!

And here's the link for the song:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Like how you treated the original. Funk definitely works for this. There's a few things I feel are holding this back as is. First is that I feel it is a little light on source overall (maybe I am missing something?), although a lot of the original parts you created sound like they would fit right in. The other part is that the entire track is running a little loud, with some clipping/distortion at points.

Good to see you subbing again, hope to see more from you,

NO (resubmit)

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eep, definitely think the overall volume should come down, this thing is pushing hard.

The bass and backing parts were true to the source, but a lot of the melodic content was some nice, but liberal riffing. There were hints of THe melody scattered around, but the way it was presented made it very difficult to discern the exact amount.

Overall this is pretty close to the bars in most aspects, but I think having a more dominant melodic source and toning the volume down so it isn't being pushed so hard would get this up.

No, please resubmit

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OA and DragonAvenger already nailed it; the overall volume is too loud (especially hot on the highs) and the melodies are quite liberally interpreted for a lot of the mix making it hard to spot the source. dig the overall vibe and instrumentation, but these two things need to be addressed to put this over the bar.


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